Chapter 58

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After having a freakout, and shouting a little, you calm down and sit yourself back down.
You're so glad the music rooms are soundproof.

"Okay... Okay... So... What-What do-What do we do?" You ask Dan.

"I don't know. Phil deleted the picture by the way, but that doesn't mean people haven't taken screenshots. It's spreading like wildfire. You also really freaked Phil out when you shouted at him." Dan says.

"That's because I'm fucking pissed."

"Well... I just... I guess we're going to have to tell everyone..."

"I guess so. I should start getting my shield to protect myself from the demon phannies."

"Good idea." Dan laughs. "I should go now. I'll text you when I get back in London."

"Kay, bye." You hang up the phone and sigh, then whisper to yourself. "I am never leaving this room."


Hey biiiiiiitch. So, I saw Phil's recent...

So, did Phil mean to post that picture on insta?

Y/N I saw Phil's recent.

Are you and Dan actually dating?

Why didn't you & Dan tell us that you're dating?

So... You and Dan...

Hi... I feel like there's an obvious topic here.

You ignore everyone's texts about the picture and just focus on music.

You were going to start doing your cover for music class, but then you suddenly got inspired to write a song.

"Fuck. This is why I need to actually learn an instrument." You groan to yourself after failing at trying something on the piano.

You yawn and look out the window, only just noticing the sky has now turned almost pitch black.

You must've been in here for hours considering it was only early afternoon when you arrived.

Maybe it's safer to go online now. The whole incident might have blown over by now...
You turn on your phone to check the time and see the hundreds upon hundreds, possibly thousands, of notifications. Most of them are to do with the picture, apart from one from Dan saying that he's in London, just like he promised he'd text you.

You sigh and look at the time.


You grab your hoodie, headphones and other things before hesitantly exiting the building.

Considering how late it is to be a woman walking down the street at night alone, you do the classic keys in your fist ready to defend yourself as you pass by a house party, a group of stoners, a pub and a group of drunken guys catcalling every woman to walk by.

"I'm back!" You yell as you enter the flat.

"I'm in my room!" Kelvin shouts, sounding extremely sad.

"Are you like jerking off or something or can I come in?" You ask, walking down to his bedroom and standing by the door.

"You can come in."

You open the door to something that you've seen before.

Kelvin is in a pile of tissues, wrapped in a blanket, eating mint choc chip ice cream and listening to sad piano music while looking at pictures of puppies on his laptop.

"Oh god... Tyler broke up with you..." You sigh and close the door behind you.

"Mhm." Kelvin nods his head sadly and wipes more tears away.

You walk over, sit down beside him, climb under the blanket and wrap your arm around Kelvin comfortingly.

"What happened? You want to talk about it?" You ask.

"I don't know. He just... dumped me! I-I...I can't believe it. I thought me and him had something special." Kelvin cries into your shoulder.

"You do. Did Tyler say why he wanted to break up with you?"

"No. He just said 'I think we should just be friends' which was just a giant kick in the balls! I loved him! I still do, and he just goes and does that to me?! Why do people have to be so cruel?!"

"I don't know, Kelv. I'm sure there was a solid reason. Maybe it's the long distance thing..."

"He did it over fucking Twitter dm. Who the fuck even does that? Why didn't he Skype me or anything!"

"Maybe he doesn't actually want your relationship to end, so he couldn't say it to your face..."

"Look at you making bullshit up to make me feel better."

"I'm not making it up. It's plausible."

"Sure... Let's not talk about that... So, I saw the picture Phil posted of you and Dan. Did he mean to post it or..?"

"He didn't. Now I'm going to get shit from everyone."

"No you're not. The phandom doesn't hate you, you know that, right?"

"Yes they do."

"No they don't. It's only around a quarter or less that ship Phan too seriously and refuse to be okay with them dating anybody else."

"I've read the comments on any video online that includes me. Ever. They hate me."

"I've also read the comments. They love you. Honest."

"Are you sure?"

"You want to see? I follow Phan accounts. Let's see what they've been saying about the picture, shall we?"

"I guess so."

Kelvin searches for his phone and pulls up Instagram.

"Look here. This person is talking about how cute you and Dan are together. Oh, and this person is defending you against the demon phannies. Oh, so is his person. And this person. And this person is saying that you are out of his league, which I think is bullshit cause you're an ugly hoe."

"Excuse me."

"I'm jooooooking. You're both in each other's leagues... I guess."

"I'd more say that he's out of my league."


Hi, I'm not planning on doing a lot of these A/N things in the next few chapters, there's bullshit going down.
I just wrote a lot here but I'm deleting it hah editing skillllllz
I'll go now.
Bye lads.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя