Chapter 74

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"Okay, who's hair is in my cereal?" Dan asks, fishing a strand of H/C off of his spoon.

You, him, Phil and Alex are sitting in the living room watching anime and eating masses of cereal.
"I think that's mine." You say, taking the hair from him.
Dan stares down at the cereal for a second, deciding wether to continue eating it or not, then shrugs and takes another spoonful.

"Ew!" Phil makes a disgusted face.

"It's just one hair." Dan says.

"Still." Phil shifts in his seat. "It's... contaminated."

"What the fuck do you think is in my hair?" You pretend to be offended as you laugh.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Alex asks, purposely attempting to change the subject to something that won't make her loose her appetite.

"Well, we're having some friends round at around seven... other than that, I have no idea." Dan explains. "What do you guys want to do?"

"It's your birthday." Alex says. "You pick."

"How about... uh... why don't we..." Dan begins, attempting to think of something.

"Why don't we suck-"

"Y/N no!" Dan stops you from making an inappropriate joke by slamming his hand over your mouth, spilling his cereal onto the ground in the process. "Crap!"

"Well done dumbass." You laugh.

"Shut the fuck up bitch." Dan chuckles, brushing off his jeans, kneeling down and picking up his bowl & spoon.

"Perfect relationship, am I right?" Alex says to Phil.

"Obviously." Phil giggles. "Hey Dan, did you check the mail today yet?"


"Oh! Can I go get it?" You jump up onto your feet excitedly.

"Why would you want to go get the mail?" Dan asks, laughing at the same time.

"I don't get any mail. Ever." You tell him.

"What about bills?" Alex asks.

"Nope. My roommates never trust me to do the bills."

"Not surprising." Dan says.

"Yup." Phil agrees.

"Agreed." Alex shrugs, then jumps up. "Can I come too then?"

"Well, it's my job though." Dan says.

"But we want to come get it too!" You whine.

"Fine." Dan gives in.

"I'm coming too then." Phil jumps up as well.

Your whole group of four walks down to the front door, letting Dan, who's leading you all, to open it.

"Let me pick it up!" You grab the parcel, which is sitting on the ground, before Dan can. You suppress a bit of laugher when you notice a couple making out against the wall beside the apartment across the hall. "What is it?" You ask Dan, holding up the parcel in front of him.

"Beats me."

Out of the corner of your eye, you see the couple stop kissing as the girl pulls away and looks over at you, Dan, Phil and Alex. "Oh, hi. I didn't see you guys there." The girl says fakely, giving a small wave and using her arms to push her breasts together, trying to get maximum cleavage.

"Hi Kathy." Dan says in an annoyed tone, like he's been through this every morning, which he most likely has.

"Oh. So you're Kathy?" You say sweetly. "Lovely to meet you." You look her up and down, but not in a bitchy way.
At least you hope not in a bitchy way.
She's a rather small woman, you'd guess she's around 5'1 or something.
She wears a tight pair of black leggings matched with a pink cropped top and a push up bra.
Her brown hair is curled with blonde tips that reach down to her elbows. It perfectly frames her rather pretty face.

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