Chapter 97

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I lived bitch.

"Holy crap!" You smile down at your phone.

"What is it?" Alex asks as Kelvin shuffles back and leans against the wall.

"W-D-H-L-" You struggle to form a single word over your excitement, so instead you just show Alex the text.

"Is that actually him?" She asks.

"Yeah!" You jump excitedly and text him back.


"What's happening?" Kelvin asks groggily.

"We believe that Dan may have woken up." Alex explains.

Yup. Though you got rid of me bitch? Think again.

Dammit! I was ready for all that insurance money!

"What happens now then?" Alex asks.

"I don't know." You reply.

"Do you go see him or..?"

"I mean... I guess so..."
You begin to type up another message, but hear a bang on the floor across from you.

"Oh dear." Alex sighs.

"Was that Kelvin?" You ask, still not looking up from the phone.

"Who else would it be?" She laughs slightly. "He's so heavy. Could you help me out here?"

"One second."

So do I get to come round and see your ugly ass face or..?

"He's such a mess." You say as you help Alex lift a passed out Kelvin up. "Where do we put him?"

"In a bed? On the couch?"

"How the hell are we going to get him upstairs?"

"He's not that heavy with the two of us! He's a lot lighter than usual."

"But the stairs are so steep!" You complain.

"Oh come on!" Alex rolls her eyes with a giggle as you both begin to drag Kelvin up the stairs.


After leaving Kelvin and Alex in your flat, you make your way to the hospital. You've found out that Dan technically woke up a couple days ago, but he was in a state that made him unable to have any visitors. He is still in the recovery stage, but is rapidly making great progress.

"I got these badass scars from the gunshots as well!" Dan exclaims, showing off his bandaged shoulder.

"Can I poke it?" You ask curiously.

"No!" Dan covers his shoulder again. "That would be really painful!" He shifts in his place. "So, what've I missed? What's going on in the world?"

"Well... Hm. Not too much if I'm being honest. We live in a fucking boring world. Trump is still president. Kelvin's still alive. It's awful."

"Sounds terrible," Dan laughs, "anything actually interesting?"

"I mean... I'm going on tour. I'm releasing my album soon." You shrug.

"Yes! Yay! That's so fucking great!" He hugs you happily. "Oh! I remember what I wanted to ask you. None of the doctors or nurses have told me, but did Phil get hurt? Is he okay?"
You open your mouth to speak, but pause. There must be a reason why the doctors and nurses didn't tell him, but surely it's his right to know.

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