Chapter 99

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Warning: I got tired at the end of this so the ending is shit.

Tiptap tiptap tiptap!
Your foot taps on the kitchen floor in anticipation for Dan arriving home. You can barely hold your cup of tea/coffee properly due to your excitement.

"You've got to calm the heck down." Kelvin laughs at how excited you are.

"I can't help it! He's going to be home any minute. D/N's gonna be so happy! Eek!" You decide to place your mug back onto the kitchen counter and jump up and down.

"Is he going to remember me or what? How do comas work?" Kelvin asks.

"He seemed to recognise your name, so I imagine... his memory is slightly iffy, but it seemed fine."

"Kay... hey, do you know what's going on with your neighbours? They were being really loud last night."

"The uh... ones arguing?" You question, remembering the couple you and Dan heard last night.

"Yeah... it was kind of scary but I couldn't help but laugh. The guy had a threesome with the girl's sister and some guy named Colin!" Kelvin chuckles in hilarity. "But it got kinda scary at the end... do you think Wallace killed her or something?"

"Let's hope not." You sigh. "Wallace seemed like a decent dude."

"I think I liked the girl better."

"She's carrying Wallace's dad's baby though!"

"Well Wallace fucked her sister and Colin! It doesn't seem like that was his first experience with Colin either."

"This is some Jeremy Kyle shit."

"I love Jeremy Kyle!"

"Course you do."

"Can we go watch Jeremy Kyle?"

Buzz buzz bitch I'm comin up the stairs

"No. Dan's just coming up the stairs." You squeal excitedly and rush towards the front door.

"I want to meet Jeremy Kyle." Kelvin says as you play with D/N and walk out into the hallway.

"You should be on Jeremy Kyle."

"One can only hope."

You uncontrollably leap into the air with glee at the sight of Dan at the end of the hallway.
You sprint down to him and wrap your arms around him as tightly as humanly possible.
"And a hello to you too!" Dan laughs perfectly as his arms pull the two of you even closer.

"Hi Dan." Kelvin smiles and waves awkwardly.

"Who's that again?" Dan whispers to you.

"Kelvin." You tell him, refusing to let go.

"Oh yeah! Hi Kelvin. Sorry, I'm having trouble connecting people's names and faces and stuff right now." Dan explains, still holding you in the tight embrace.

"It's fine." Kelvin shrugs it off and leans against the wall. "So... did you have a good sleep?"

"Nah... Woke up a bit too early." Dan chuckles. "OhOhOh! Where's the dog?" He gasps as he remembers the existence of D/N.

"Inside." You tell him as you nuzzle your face into his shirt.

"The dog's the only thing I care about now, let's go!" You and Dan both attempt to manoeuvre your way into the apartment without letting go of one another.

D/N immediately begins to bark excitedly and wag her tail as soon as she sees Dan, who lets go of you and rushes over to greet her.
"She's so cute I love her! And she's grown taller!" Dan grins while D/N beams at the sight of him and pounces on top of him. "Hands down best part of coming home."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя