Chapter 52

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You're sitting in the university library with Kelvin and Alex, discussing what everyone did for Valentine's Day.

"Then the police came and we almost got arrested for swimming in the lake." You laugh. "So we ran back to the flat, then realised that we left our clothes at the lake and were just sprinting down the street in our underwear at one in the morning."

"You guys are so fucking stupid!" Kelvin laughs.

"Shut up Kelvin! They're so cute together!" Alex hits Kelvin's arm.

"So what happened after you guys got back? Did you guys fuck? Or was Phil home?" Kelvin asks.

"I don't kiss and tell." You say.

"Shut the fuck up and tell us. Did you guys have sex?" Kelvin asks a bit more eagerly.

"I'm not gonna say. Although, I will say that Phil was still out with Alex..." You and Kelvin both turn to face Alex.

"What? You.. And Phil? On a date!" Kelvin's excitement levels get higher. "Did you guys fuck?"

"It wasn't a date. And no way! A virgin like me having sex with someone after only meeting them in person twice? You've got to be shitting me." Alex rolls her eyes.

"Well... Wait, you're a virgin?" You ask.

"Yeah, of course I am." Alex says.

"Really?" You never would've thought that someone so pretty would be a virgin.

"Yes! Okay, I've never had sex! Can we move on?" Alex raises her voice, gaining a 'shoosh' from the librarian.

"Okay, did you guys at least kiss?" Kelvin asks.

"No. It was totally platonic. Trust me, he doesn't like me like that. Who would?" Alex sighs.

"A-" Kelvin begins, but gets cut off by Alex.

"Anyway, how was your Skype date with Tyler, Kelvin?"

"Oh- It was perfect! I asked him to be my boyfriend, and he said yes!" Kelvin squeals.

"Fuck yeah!" You look down at your phone as it lights up with a text from Dan.

I think Phil broke your shower.

Wtf did he do?

Idfk. It's definitely broken tho, the water won't come out.

Well shit.

He just fixed it and now he's drenched himself.



Awwww ly2!

When r u coming home? I can't stay here alone with Phil any longer.

You've lived with him for years tho.

Are u coming home soon or not?

I is.

How long will u be?

15 mins

K c u then


"I'm gonna go home." You turn off your phone and pack away your things.

"Okay- Alex are you okay?" Kelvin glances over at Alex, who's got an astonished look on her face as she stares at her phone.

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