Chapter 45

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(Sorry for short, bad chapters. I've been rlly tired lately, but I promise I'll be making better ones soon.)

"Rachel! Ooh I'm gonna fucking deck that bitch!" You stand up.

"Y/N, I don't think 'decking' her would be the answer, especially when we don't completely know it was her." Dan says.

"Well, who the fuck else would it be?" You ask.

"I don't know, but don't jump to conclusions, even if they're obvious. The police will figure it out soon, they know to suspect Rachel."

"I just can't fucking believe she's gone! Fucking fuckhead shitstorm fuck!"

"I know, I know. It's shit."

"I want to fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

"Do you want something to punch?"

"Yes please!"

Dan grabs five pillows and hold them up.

"Go for it."

You punch the shit out of the pillows, sending them flying across the room after your last blow.

"I fucking can't." You flop face first back onto the bed.

"I know. Want to go eat food and play video games to distract you?"

"You know me so well."

You and Dan get up, grab some snacks and play Mario kart.

It's not much, but it's something to get your mind off things.


(The next day)

"Y/N, since when did it take you so long to pick out an outfit?" Dan asks as you look through your clothes for something to wear to go see the guy from the record label again.

"I want to look like I'm not the emotional wreck that I am. I want him to think I have my shit together." You explain. "Is black on black more professional or white on black?"
"Y/N, you don't have to look like you have your shit together. Nobody blames you for being a wreck." Dan says. "Also, black on black."

"I know it's just- ugh. I don't know what to do without her. She was my best friend. I'm going to fucking kill that bitch Rachel." You take out a plain black top and black jeans.

After getting ready, you take a taxi to the fancy building you were in last time, dragging Dan and Phil along with you of course for emotional support.
And to stop you from making dumbass decisions.

"This place is fucking fancy." Dan says as you approach Brandon's office.

"I know, right?" Phil agrees.

You stand and stare at the door for a minute.

"Y/N? You okay?" Dan waves his hand in front of your face.

"Oh uh yeah sure." You say.

"Then why are you just standing staring at the door?"

"I'm just- I'm scared to do this without Ally."

"It's okay." Dan places a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry." Phil smiles. "We're here in case you mess up."

You take a breath and knock on the door.

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