Chapter 53

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20th of February.

You finish filming a video and sit down between Dan and Phil.

"So, Phil, how's your crush on Alex going?" You ask.

"Shut up." Phil says.

"You know it's obvious that you like her, right?" Dan laughs.

"Uh... I.... How obvious?" Phil asks.

"Painfully obvious." You giggle.

"Does she know though?" Phil asks.

"No." You tell him.

"Good." Phil lets out a sigh of relief.

"You should tell her." Dan says.

You and Phil both quickly turn to face Dan.

"Is that really the best idea?" You ask.

"Yeah, why not? It'd be better than... not telling her." Dan shrugs.

"What if she doesn't like me back?" Phil asks.

"Impossible." Dan says.

"Seems pretty possible to me... It's not very likely for someone to like me back..." Phil sighs. "I'm going to go to the toilet." He gets up and leaves the room, obviously to go to the bathroom.

"I think he should tell her." Dan says to you.

"I don't." You say.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know if Alex likes him back or not."

"How could she not like him back? He's great! He's funny, interesting and let's face it, he's not ugly."

"But-It's just-I don't want him to get hurt. You can never truly tell how Alex feels."

"Really? Even when she's fangirling?"

"Okay, maybe there her emotions are clear there... and some other times."

"And she was majorly fangirling over Phil when we first met her."

"Yeah, I know it's just-"

"I know, you don't want Phil to get hurt. Like back when he liked you... I still have no idea when he got over that. It's just that, I want him to be happy. To be with someone he loves-"

"And who loves him back. He's a good person."

"So he deserves to be with someone just as good as him."

"Is that possible?"

"Okay, that would be high ass standards. He just deserves someone that is a good person."

"And I'm scared that Alex might not be that person. I-"

"What do you guys want to get for dinner?" Phil re-enters the room and sits on the couch next to yours.

"Oh uh... I don't know." You say.

"Pizza?" Dan asks.

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