Chapter 71

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You wake up on a concrete surface with a pounding headache.
"What the fuck?" You sit up and see that you are lying down under the stairs on the ground floor of your building.
Last night was evidently a mistake.
You can't really remember anything and you drank more than you ever have in your life.
You look over and see Alex sitting not far from you, staring down at something on her ankle in disbelief.
"Uh, Alex?"

"Are you shitting me." She says, still staring down at her ankle.

"What's wrong?"

"I made a terrible mistake."

"What're you looking at?" You ask, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"My tattoo."

"Your what?!" You gasp and crawl over beside Alex, looking down at the tattoo of tweety bird that is now on her ankle. "Holy shit."

"I don't want a tattoo!" Alex whines.

"Well it's too late now. What possessed you to get a tattoo?"


"Damn. Of all people, I never thought you would be the one getting a drunk tattoo. I always thought it'd be Kelvin."

"Hey, speaking of Kelvin, where on earth is he?"

"And why are we under the stairs."

"So many questions, and only one way to answer them."

You both look at each other dramatically and say the answer together. "Snapchat stories."
Again, at the same time, you both pull your phone's out of your bags, which are lying next to you, and go on snapchat.
"Thank god for the Internet." You laugh and take a look at your own snapchat story.
The first video is of people at the party doing shots, then it cuts to people jumping off the roof into the pool and other videos of the party, then a video of you, Kelvin, Alex and three other people walking down the street - obviously drunk out of your minds, then there's a picture of Kelvin, Alex and the other three people devouring the biggest pizza you've ever seen, then there's a video of Alex getting the tattoo, then there's one of you all at a bar drinking even more with a notable absence of Kelvin, then there's only you and Alex running around the streets screaming song lyrics, then doing the same in the building, then the two of you and sitting under the stairs talking about anal sex, and finally there's one short video of you shouting 'dicks are pricks'.

"Last time he's in my story, we're at the tattoo place." You tell Alex.

"Yeah, same." She replies, looking closer at her phone. "Oh! I remember where he went now!"


"With the tattoo artist."

"He went home with the tattoo artist?!"

"Yeah, don't worry, they already know each other. He goes to the university."

"But he was sober. I swear to everything if they fucked, someone is going to die."

"I don't think they would have. It's not like the tattoo artist is a super macho man..."

"And neither is Kelvin."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя