Chapter 39

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"Come on guys! Just because I know about the two of you, it doesn't mean I want to see that!" Phil whines and pretends to shield his eyes from you and Dan kissing.

You laugh and look down at your phone.

"Fuck!" You stand up, rush to Dan's room and begin to throw your things into your suitcase.

"Whaaaaaat are you doing?" Dan asks as you zip up the suitcase.

"My train leaves soon." You explain as you pull a pair of black converse onto your feet.

You grab your jacket, pick up your suitcase and head down the stairs towards the door.

"Do you have to go?" Dan whines like a child as he follows you down the stairs.

"I have class tomorrow, so yes, unless you want me to fail?" You say.

"No." Dan pouts and pulls you into an embrace. "I don't want you to leave though. I don't like it when you're gone."

"I don't like it either, but you know I have to go." You pull away and hold his hands.

"I know." Dan sighs and kisses your cheek. "Have a safe journey home."

"I'll try. Bye Phil!" You call up the stairs.

"Bye!" Phil shouts mid yawn.

"Bye Cupcake." You smile.

"Hey! That's my nickname for you. You're not allowed to use it!"

"Well I just did. Dil with it."

You and Dan stare at each other as you open the door.

"Bye!" You blow him a kiss and close the door behind you.


"Y/N I fucking love you!" Kelvin rushes over to you as you enter the lecture hall.

"I thought you were 'hella gay'" You say as you walk over and sit in a seat at the back of the room.

"Not like that. You are a great person, Miss Y/L/N." Kelvin says as he takes a seat beside you.

"Since when?" You ask as you take your laptop out of your backpack.

"Since you gave Tyler my number. We've been talking to each other non-stop for the past two days!"

"You're welcome. I am a match making God."

"Then why aren't you and Dan together yet?"


"You said that you are a match making God, surely you'd be able to tell that you and him are the perfect match."

"Eh. I'd say him and Phil make a better match." You lie.

Kelvin stares at you suspiciously for a moment. "Stop lying."

"I'm not. I ship Phan."

"Not about that. What happened between you and Dan? What's going on with you two?"

"What do you mean? Why would you think there's anything going on between to two of us?"

"Because I'm observant as fuck and know you well. I can tell when you're lying."

"Ally's more observant and knows me better, yet she hasn't questioned me like this. You're wrong!"

"Ally's clearly distracted with that bitch Rachel, if you're right about what you've been telling me. I know I'm right. I can see it in your eyes! How long have you and him been dating?"

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Where stories live. Discover now