Chapter 75

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"He's in hospital? What? Why?" You panic. "Is it like... Something bad or-"

"I don't know how bad it is yet." Sam interrupts you.

"What happened?" You ask, attempting to slow down your breath. "Is he going to be okay?"

"That's... Uncertain at the moment..."

"Sam what the fuck happened to him?"

"I don't know exactly. I got round to yours and his, when I knocked on the door nobody was there, so I walked in and he was lying on the ground after hitting his head on the coffee table. I don't know how he did it though."

"Holy shit- Please say he's going to be okay."

"I can't really. I've got to go now though... The nurse wants to talk to me. Goodbye."

"Oh uh bye then." Sam hangs up, leaving you standing there in slight distress. "Crap crap crap crap."

"Y/N, calm down." Dan says, rubbing your back soothingly. "He'll be okay. What's the worse that could happen?"

"He could die." You tell him dramatically.

"He's going to be okay. I promise." Dan pulls you close to him and rocks you side to side.

"We've been making a lot of promises to each other." You say. "What if one of those are broken?"

"We DIE!" Dan says theatrically.

"Oh no!" You laugh.

"So, do you want to go get food to cheer you up?" Dan asks, pulling away from the hug, but keeping his hands on your upper arms. "Then we can tell Alex and Phil about it when we get back to the flat. Okay?"



After having some ice cream/pizza, you and Dan meet up with Alex and Phil back at the flat.

"So, what did you guys do today?" You ask them. You haven't told either of them about Kelvin yet, you're hoping to get some more news from Sam before doing so.

"We went to the beach." Alex tells you.

"We found rocks the same colours of our eyes." Phil adds. "It took so long."

"Aw." You smile. "That's such a pure date idea. Why don't we have any pure dates?"

"We had an ugly contest earlier. I don't think there's any room for pure dates between us, cupcake." Dan says.

"We're going to make sure our next date is pure." You say confidently before your phone buzzes with a message from Sam.

He's going to be okay. Turns out he fainted and hit his head. He'll be spending the night in hospital, then going back home. I think he has a fever though.

Oh thank lord he's okay. Thanks for taking care of him so well.


"Alex, quick thing I need to tell you: Kelvin's in hospital." You just say, rather casually.

"What? Why? Is he okay?" Alex asks, distress seeking into her voice.

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