Chapter 76

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Everyone left some time ago, but you, Alex, Dan and Phil are still sitting in the lounge chatting over some drinks.

"I would kill Donald Trump, and I would marry- no fuck- no marry- no fuck- no marry Kanye West and fuck Elvis Presley's guitar." Alex says. The four of you are currently playing fuck, marry, kill and it was between Kanye West, Donald Trump and Elvis Presley's guitar.

"But how would you have sex with a guitar?" Phil asks. "Like, would you use the top of it or the bottom of it?"

"Couldn't you use like the top of it as a dildo?" Dan asks. "And you can stick your dick in the hole at the bottom half."

"Wouldn't that snap the guitar strings?" You ask. "Like, what if they snap while the girl has it in her-"

"I'm going to bed!" Alex announces, cutting you off from finishing your sentence and standing up. "I don't want to hear how that story ends."

"Ditto." Phil stands up as well. "Night guys."

"You think they're gonna fuck?" Dan asks you after Alex and Phil exit the room.

"Oho yeah."


You and Dan are still in the lounge. You're sitting in a therapy position with your head resting on his lap while he plays with your hair. The two of you are now talking about some deep crap.

"Okay, but, what if there are other earths in the universe? Like, exact replicas of our planet with the same species and shit but like not the same people and style and government and religion and stuff and just like we seem to believe, they believe that their planet is, like, the most important one in the universe." You ponder out loud.

"Please stop." Dan says to you.

"I bet there is." You assure yourself.

"What if there aren't any other life in the universe? What if we're just the only tiny figment of life in the never ending vortex that is space?"

"And you thought what I said was terrifying."

"Still is."

"Okay, who the fuck is playing that music?" You ask.
Someone in the building has been playing music extremely loud for the past hour. You've been trying to ignore it, but it's extremely annoying, and they've just turned it up even louder.

"I don't know but if it doesn't stop soon I'm going to flip my fucking shit!"

Suddenly, the music turns up even louder, almost making the walls vibrate.
"That's it!" You hear Alex shout.

A couple minutes later, her and Phil walk into the living room rather angrily.
"Who wants to come with us to kick an assholes face in?" Alex asks.

"Me." You stand up, ready to aggressively shout at whoever is playing the music.

"Not me. The neighbours already hate us enough." Dan says. "I'll just get some earplugs."

"You know it's probably Kathy, right?" Phil says. "Just to annoy us."

"Fucking bitch. Let's go." Dan stands up as well.

You all storm out of the flat and figure out that, rightfully enough, the music is coming from Kathy's flat.

"I feel like one of those grumpy old neighbours who complain about people everywhere having parties." Alex says.

"She won't be having a party. She's not got enough friends." Phil says.

"And it's a weekday. She'll have work in a couple of hours." Dan adds before knocking on the door.

There's some shuffling around from inside, but no heard sign of Kathy turning down the music.
Soon, the door is swung open to reveal Kathy wearing some rather erotic 'sleepwear' and a full face of makeup.
"Oh, how unexpected. Hey." She smiles falsely.

"Can you please turn the music down?" Phil asks politely.

"Sorry, no. It's helping me sleep." Kathy replies.

"Cause you were sleeping in that outfit with all that makeup on." You say.

"Hey, I'm not wearing any makeup. I'm just naturally gorgeous. Plus, these are extremely comfortable pyjamas. I wear them all the time!"

"Can you just turn the music down?" Alex asks impatiently.

"Why should I?" Kathy asks, leaning against the doorframe.

"Because everyone in the building will blow their fucking brains out if you don't." You say.

"And it's against the rules. No loud music at this time. You could get kicked out if you don't turn that fucking shit music down." Dan says.

"Fine. You guys are no fun." Kathy takes out her phone and uses it to turn the music down. 

"Oh thank god!" You hear someone in the building shout joyously.



You're on your way back from a meeting with Brandon.
The two of you were chatting about making music videos and releasing an album, but you can't take much action at the moment due to your current situation.
It'll be much easier once you officially finish university and move, probably down to London.
The album won't be able to be released until you get to one million subscribers for some reason, which doesn't seem that hard since you're rather close to it already.
You're walking down the street in which the building where the flat is settled in is located.
You get startled and almost jump ten feat in the air when an ear-shattering scream is heard from an alley nearby.
Instinctively, you sprint over to it, but hide beside the wall after seeing that there are two silhouettes involved in the situation.

"Oh my god... Fuck..." A guy says. You peek around and see one guy is lying on the floor, obviously hurt while another is staring down at him while breathing very heavily. "I-I'm sorry." He continues to repeat that over and over again as he takes some footsteps back, then turns around a dashes around the other corner.

Without any more hesitation, you run round into the alley and kneel down beside the injured person.
He's a boy who looks around sixteen or seventeen.
His face is extremely beat up, as is most other areas of his body.

"Are you okay?" You ask him quickly as you pull your phone out of your pocket.

"Call... Ambulance..." The guy manages to say, but you can sense the pain in his voice as you dial the number into your phone.

"999, what's your emergency?"

This was written so crappily and I'm so sorry

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