Chapter 38

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"WAKE UP!" You hear everyone shout at you, causing you to scream, fall off the couch you were just sleeping on and hit your head on the floor.

"Ohmygod are you okay?" Dan rushes over to help you up.

"I'm alright." You assure him as you sit back on the couch. "What the fuck was that?"

"You were the last one asleep." Alfie informs you. "So we woke you up."

"Next time, a slight tap on the shoulder will be okay." You say.

"That's never worked Y/N." Ally laughs as everyone walks away to continue with their morning.

"It could." You say as Ally sits down beside you.

"It really couldn't."

"Okay. You're right." You sigh and look up at her. She's got a lot of makeup on to cover the bruises on her face. "How're you feeling?"

"Alright. It was just a small bump on the head."

"What happened?"

"Oh I... Fell over?"

"You sure?"

"Uh yeah? I mean, why-why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just... Can I talk to you about something?"

"Uh yeah sure of cour-"

"Hey guys." Rachel rushes over and sits beside Ally. "Breakfast is ready, you coming?"

"In a minute, Y/N wants to-"

"It can wait, can't it? We don't want the food to get cold." Rachel stands up, takes hold of Ally's hand, pulls her up and links arms with her as they head towards the kitchen. While you're getting up, Rachel turns her head and looks back at you angrily, then quickly plasters a fake smile on her face as she enters the kitchen.


You're sitting on the train with Dan, Phil, Ally and Rachel.

"So, have you finished writing the songs?" Ally asks you.

"Yeah, barely. When's the meeting?" You ask.

"Today. 4:35, but they said we should be there at 4:30. Rachel's driving us there."

"Oh. Okay. Great."

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Ally gets up.

"I'll come." Rachel stands up as well.

"I don't need you to come with me."

"I'll come."

Ally sighs and goes to the bathroom, followed by Rachel.

"Talked to her yet?" Dan asks, not looking up from his phone.

"No." You groan and rest your head on the window, watching the landscape whiz by.


"Damn that's a tall building." You say as you, Ally and Rachel stand outside the building in which the record label is based.

"Fuck yeah it is." Ally smiles.

"Good luck." Rachel kisses Ally's cheek before you and Ally enter the building.

You shoes suddenly feel extremely dirty as you walk along the white marble floor towards the black desk at the back of the room.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A woman with golden hair pulled back in a loose bun and bright red lips greets you from behind the desk.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Where stories live. Discover now