Chapter 17

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You unlock you and Ally's flat to find it in a mess.

"Ally. Where the fuck are you?" You shout.

"In the kitchen!" Ally calls back.

You hop over empty pizza boxes and dirty clothes into the kitchen where Ally and Rachel are sitting.

"What the fuck happened to our flat?" You ask.

"Hey, you know I can't clean well. Especially when I'm distracted." Ally smiles, placing her hand on Rachel's.

"You better fucking clean right now." You order, pulling Ally off her chair.


"Ally. I need to live here too. You and your girlfriend better clean up your mess right now!" You demand.

"You're no fun." Ally mutters as she and Rachel begin to tidy up.

You go to your room and unpack the clean clothes, placing the dirty clothes in a basket.

You plug your phone in and wait for the battery to go up to 2% before checking your notifications.

You have a text from someone in one of your classes.

Holy shit Y/N is this you?

She attached a screenshot from Dan's Twitter with a photo of you and Dan in bed together last night.

Why on earth did he post that?

His Twitter was probably hacked.

You sign in to Twitter and look at Dan's account. The tweet has been deleted.

You ignore the text and continue to scroll through Twitter.


Dan's POV

"Dan! Talk to me!" Phil bangs on my door.

"Piss off!" I shout.

"I'm coming in!"



Phil swings my door open and sits beside me on my bed.

"Stop ignoring me." He demands.

"Get out." I tell him.

"Can we talk about this?"

"What is there to talk about, Phil? You almost fucked the girl I like, and you like her too."

"I never said that."

"You never denied it."

"True. But- Even if I did like her, she likes you."

"Good one."

"She does."

"If she liked me, she wouldn't have done that with you."


"And if you didn't like her, you wouldn't have done it."

"Dan we were-"

"And if you were really my friend, you wouldn't have done that because you know that I like her!" I jump up from my seat.

"I am your friend Dan! How many times do I have to tell you? I. Was. Drunk!" Phil jumps up as well.

"Come on, Phil, you weren't that drunk. You've never been that drunk!"

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant