Chapter 26

435 22 11

22nd of December

You've been in this existential crisis for over a month now.

You haven't left your room.

Ally has been coming in, trying to talk to you and giving you food and drink.

Dan and Phil did make pinof last month, but the smiles and laughs were clearly forced. There was tension between them. They were still mad at each other.

You just told the university that you were ill.
It's the holidays now, so you don't need to lie to them anymore.

You're lying face first on your bed when Ally opens the door.

"Okay, Y/N, this is ridiculous." She sits beside your feet. "What's wrong?"

You say nothing.

She grabs you by the top you've been wearing the entire month and pulls you up.

"You're a mess. What's wrong with you, Y/N?"

"What am I doing with my life?"

"You're studying in university to get a good job."

"But what job? I don't know what I want to be."

"How bout... I don't know... A singer?"

"I'm shit at singing, Ally. Plus, nobody would listen to my crappy songs."

"I beg to differ."

You flop back down face first onto the mattress.

"We both know my life is a joke. I wouldn't have a career if I tried to be a singer, Ally. Nobody wants to hear anything from me."

Ally let's out a small, suspicious giggle.

You immediately sit back up and look at her.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing..." She smirks.


"So, remember the song you made for class last month or something?"

"Uh, yeah. What the fuck did you do?"

"I uploaded it to YouTube."

"You what?!"

"It's got a lot of views."

"Shut the fuck up."

"People are demanding it gets released on iTunes."

"You're fucking shitting me, right?"


"Ally what the actual fuck were you thinking?"

"That it was a sin to just stand by while the world was being deprived of your talent."

"I have no talent!"

"Well, the 4 million people who liked the video disagree..."

"What account did you upload it on?"

"Your one. Duh."

"Ally what the fuck holy shit. Has Dan seen it?"

"Probably. Literally so many people have seen it. You got one million subs."

"Whatthefuck how?"

"You're really fucking good, Y/N. I think we should get this song on iTunes. We can make some money."

"Nobody wants to listen to it. It's bad enough that you uploaded my shitty song on YouTube in the first place."

"Stop being a fucking dumbass, Y/L/N. If we can just get a cover for the song, we might be able to get it on iTunes."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz