Chapter 28

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You wake up with Dan's arm still wrapped around you.

You roll over and look at him sleeping.

His hobbit hair is flopped over his face.
His pink lips are puckered and slightly opened.
The only bad thing about this sight is that you're being deprived of his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Can you stop watching me sleep?" He asks groggily, opening his eyes and looking up into yours.

You feel your cheeks begin to heat up.

Just then you hear your phone buzz on the bedside table.
You turn over and pick up up to look at the message.

Do you guyz want to meet up with Rachel, Joe, Caspar, Tyler and I for lunch before Tyler goes back to America?

"Say yeah." Dan tells you as he looks at your phone.

"Stop reading my messages." You shove your hand in his face and push him back, both of you laughing as you do so.

Kay yeah what time and where?

1:45 @ Frankie & Benny's.

Kk see u then


"Holy shit it's 1:25 fuck!" Dan jumps out of bed and runs to his room to get changed.


You and Dan arrive at the restaurant at 1:50.

"Sorry we're late." Dan tell them as the two of you sit down.

"Eh, it's okay. We haven't ordered yet." Rachel shrugs.

"Oh oka- what the fuck happened to your eye?" You ask Ally, noticing that she has some bruises and a giant scar on her eye.

"Oh um..." She glances over to Rachel, who looks at Ally angrily and bites her lip. "I uh... Fell... On top of the... The Christmas tree..."

"Okay..." You say unsurely.

There's a moment of silence before Tyler speaks.

"Anyway, how have y'all been?"


You and Dan arrive back at the flat at 4pm. You had made a stop to buy each other gifts on the way back from lunch.

"Fuck." Dan stops in his tracks as he's walking up the stairs.

"What?" You ask him.

"I told people I would have a video up tonight. I need to film it." Dan rushes up to his room with you following close behind him.

"Well what're you doing in the video?"

"I don't know." Dan begins to set up his camera and lighting.

"You just gonna wing it?"

"I guess so. Oh hey! If you want to, could I just make a collab with you?"

"Sure. Doing what exactly?"

You sit down beside him on his bed.

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