Chapter 60

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"Come on, twenty more seconds guys." Kelvin tells you and Alex.

"More like twenty more years." You groan.

"I can't do this!" Alex whines.

"Come on guys! You can do this!"

"No we can't."

"Fuck it I'll just stay fat!" Alex gives up on the plank position and collapses onto her yoga mat.

It's currently a Thursday afternoon and the three of you are working out, mainly because you and Alex got home and Kelvin convinced the two of you that you should exercise with him.

"I can do this!" You tell yourself.

"That's the spirit Y/N! Ten more seconds!"

"Fuck this is hard."

"Eight more seconds."

"I can't do this."

"Come on, six more seconds. 5... 4...."

"Fuck it." You give up as well just before the timer goes off.

Kelvin doesn't usually exercise this much, even when he's going through a breakup. During a typical week, he would exercise about five times in order to sustain his current six pack, but ever since him and Tyler broke up, he's been exercising about three or four times a day these past few days.
Getting up before five to go for a run, then go to the gym before classes, then do workouts at the flat when he gets home and yesterday and today, he went swimming.

"So, to the more important things in life." You pull yourself up off the ground and turn to Alex. "Does Phil know about your one night stand?"

"No, and I'm not planning on telling him. He doesn't need to know, it's not like we're dating." Alex says.

"But you guys should be." You tell her.

"Yeah, it's like with Y/N and Dan. We all knew they were going to get together eventually. I also just realised that Ally won that bet..." Kelvin stands up.

"I miss Ally." Alex sighs.

"Me too." You sigh along with her. "I still feel partially at fault because of that. I... I could've helped her."

"Let's please not get into that." Kelvin wipes away the tears that are threatening to spill out of both you and Alex's eyes from just thinking about Ally's death. "We were talking about Alex and Phil."

"Oh! Speaking of Phil, he just hit four million subs!" Alex looks up from checking her phone.

"Time to tweet congratulations." You pick up your phone in perfect timing as you get a call from Dan, which you obviously answer. "Helloooo"

"Hi Y/N! Question: do you think it's a good idea for Phil to go live tonight, and for me to join him?"

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Because of the picture. None of us have addressed it publicly yet, and we'll definitely have to if we go live. A large portion of the questions will be about it. That's why I missed the live show on Tuesday."

"Oh... I never thought of that. I mean... I guess we'd have to talk about it eventually... yeah. You should do it."

"Okay... How's it been for you since it came out? We haven't really talked about that."

"It's been... Alright. You know that Laura girl in my class?"

"Who's that?"

"She's the one who still thinks she's in her stupid American high school. Immature bitch."

"What about her?"

"She doesn't hate me. Probably because she's a fan of yours and wants to get on my good side."

"And you were so worried that people would hate you if they found out. You've also gained a lot more subscribers on your youtube channel. You're almost at one million."

"Holy shit am I?!"


"Still not four mil. Like Phil reached today!"

"Nice transition! We both jumped on his bed after we found out. I think it may be broken."

"You sure you weren't doing anything else?"

"Oh yeah. I'm obviously cheating on you with Phil, who's totally not head over heels for Alex."

"Y/N, you coming out for dinner or not?" Alex asks.

"I've got to go. Bye Dan, love you!"


You, Kelvin and Alex are all sitting on your bed watching Phil's live show with Dan.

"So now I need to get a new mattress because Dan broke mine." Phil laughs while talking about him getting to 4 million subscribers.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Dan says defensively.


"Okay, just because I ran in screaming and tackled you, it doesn't make it my fault!"

"Okay, it was both our faults then."

"They're fucking idiots." Kelvin laughs. "I love it."

" 'Dan you motherfucker are you and Y/N dating or not?' " Dan reads out something from the chat. "Alright so, most of you guys probably know about the picture that Phil posted of Y/N and I."

"I didn't mean to post it! I meant to direct message it to him so he could keep, love and cherish my beautiful photography."

"So uh... Yeah, Y/N and I are thing. Like, boyfriend girlfriend."

"He loves her so much!"

"Shut up!"

"It's true!"

"Well, it's not like I'm the only one in love..."

"Dan shut up right now!" Phil pushes Dan out of view of the camera as you and Kelvin both slowly turn your heads to look at Alex.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Stop it!" Alex shifts awkwardly.

"Because it's you that they're talking about!" Kelvin says enthusiastically.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"Okay, Phil isn't wrong though. I do-I do... kind of love Y/N. She's an amazing person and I'm not good enough to be with her." Dan says awkwardly, making you blush hard, and him to seem like he's blushing as well.

"Awww.... Danny boy's in looooove." Phil smiles.

"Let's talk about something else, shall we? Okay..." Dan begins to go onto something else, but Kelvin slams the laptop shut while staring down at his phone.

"Kelvin what the fuck?" You watch his mouth hang open as he climbs off the bed and stares down at the phone.

"Oh god."

"What? What's happening?" Alex asks.

Kelvin looks up at both of you.

"Tyler just messaged me."

This might be really bad, idk. I haven't read over it and I'm extremely exhausted.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora