Chapter 94

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You're lying in you and Dan's bed, D/N curled up beside you.
Dan's attack on titan/potato sack/plain black sweater lies on your body. It makes you feel safe.
You're eating ice cream and scrolling through your instagram account, while crying.

"Why does everybody have to die?" You sob to D/N. "First Ally... then Kelvin's dying. Now them." You bury your face in her soft fur. "I miss Ally. If she was here right now... we'd probably be doing something really fun. To cheer me up. She never wanted me to bed sad. She'd be telling me stuff to convince me that everything's going to be okay. She gave great advice. But now she's gone. Kelvin was my next best friend... let's face it, I've already lost him." D/N shuffles around, but still stay cuddled into you. "I haven't seen him without some sort of alcoholic drink in his hand in months. I've lost my two best friends... and if I loose Dan... and Phil... I don't know what I'll do. I love Dan. I don't want to live here without him." You sigh. "Everyone's leaving. I'm scared." D/N begins to lock the tears of your face, making you smile fondly. "Promise me, if Dan dies, you'll never leave me? Who am I kidding? You're a fucking dog you can't promise me anything." You rest your head against the headboard and look up at the ceiling.
What would Ally be telling you to do right now?
First of all, she would get you the fuck out of bed.
Then, she'd try and get you to do something fun with her, or something to clear your mind.
You look back down at D/N.
You and Ally always talked about getting a dog. She'd always refuse because she knew that she would have to do all the work, and you'd just play with it.
You'd also talk about moving into houses right next to each other and forcing your children to be friends.

"That's all gone to shit." You say aloud.
D/N hears another dog barking outside and leaps onto her feet, tail beginning you wag violently.
She jumps off the bed and tries to climb up the window sill while barking her head off.
"I guess there is one thing I can do..." you clamber out of bed and look down at D/N. "Alright bitch. We're going for a walk."
The only bad thing about getting this particular dog means she has to have long walks every day, meaning you have to go outside.
D/N follows you to the kitchen in order to get her lead.
You grab some poo bags and treats as D/N gets more and more excited.
"Yeah, yeah. One sec." You rush back to your room and pull on a pair of converse/vans. "D/N! C'mere!" D/N toddles over to you happily.
It could be worse. You could be in Alex's situation.
At least you have a dog to keep you happy, all Alex has is Kelvin, and with his issues he's not much help. It's also likely that Alex will be even more sad considering the fact that Phil barely has a twenty percent chance of living. You're surprised that she's not taken days off work.

"Time to go!" You say, half enthusiastically. "Let's hope I don't run into anybody." You groan and exit the flat.
After reaching the bottom of the stairs and exiting the building, you begin to walk on the most hidden path you can think of.
You look like a mess at the moment. You have unbrushed hair, no makeup, puffy red eyes and are wearing Dan's sweater, which is obviously too big for you.
The walk starts off nice, with fresh air, a dog and some good music to distract you from everything that's going on in life, but then, the unimaginable happens. Somebody you know.
You want to die when you see Joe walking the way towards you with headphones in. You pray to everything that he doesn't notice you, but of course, who can resist stroking such an adorable puppy, especially when it runs up to you and wants to meet you.

"Oh hi Y/N! Haven't seen you in ages." Joe smiles when he notices it's you who's walking the dog. "Nice top." He laughs slightly, knowing that it's Dan's.

"Yeah... You've not caught me on my best day." You giggle.

"I can tell. So I heard you moved in with Dan a couple weeks ago. How dare you move to London and not message me!"

"I'm so sorry." You roll your eyes sarcastically. "I did mean to message you, but then I forgot you existed."

"How rude!" Joe folds his arms. "How's it going with your life then? Are you liking it here in London?"

"I was before... As of lately, not so much."

"Why not?"

"Dan and Phil have been shot and might die. It's not very good."

"Oh... so that's why they haven't been online for the past three days? That makes so much sense now!"

"Yeah, I'm deciding whether I should or shouldn't let everyone know what's going on..."

"I think you should. The internet is freaking out."

"I'll try and mention it in my live show tonight..."

"Good idea. Well, I should go. Message me though!"

"Will do!" Your smile drops as soon as you turn away from Joe. Now you're going to have to talk about it. Great. How exciting.


You spend the first three quarters of your live show later that night trying to ignore all the questions about Dan.

" 'Get Dan'." You read aloud. "I can't!" You then look at some for comments. " 'Is the rat okay?' " You sigh and shift around in your chair. "Alright, I should probably talk about this. How do I say this? Ugh. Dan and Phil can't really do anything right now, because they're not in a very good position to do so... and that position is kind of... in a hospital bed." You look back at the comments, but don't read any out loud. "I should probably tell you why they're in hospital? Yeah uhm... I'm sure lots of you know about the shooting at the tube a few days ago..." You sigh sadly. "I'm sure you all know where I'm going with this story." You cross your legs. "I'll make it short: Dan was shot three times, Phil twice." You pause and bite your lip nervously. "Dan has a fifty/fifty percent chance of living. Phil has a twenty percent chance of living, so they can't really be doing anything right now. They're just in bed... unable to hear me." You wipe away some tears and push the hair away from your face. "I want them to wake up." Your voice goes quieter. "I don't know what I'll do if they don't. I need them. Both of them. They need to wake up." You take a moment with your face in your hands. "I can't stand being in this place alone. Well... I guess not completely alone. I still have D/N. But I can tell that she misses them as well. She loves them so much she spends half the day laying in Phil's bed and crying, then the other half doing the same in Dan and I's bed." You take a look at the comments. Everyone is shocked and obviously devastated by the news.
"I know that a lot of you guys will be really sad about all of this. I understand how important those rats are to everyone. They're important to me too... I'm about to go on a tangent, be prepared." You rest your elbows on the desk in front of you. "But I feel like this all isn't real. I hope it isn't. I don't know if many of you know this, but earlier this year, on the thirtieth of January, I lost my best friend. I refuse to loose someone else. She was to one who kept me alive through all of uni. She's the one who got me a fucking job. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't of even met Dan and Phil. And without Dan and Phil, I would never have gotten over her death. I say that as if I'm over it... I've just got it at the back of my mind. I'm in love with Dan. I'm just really, really good friends with Phil. I don't know if I could take it if either of them died." You wipe away some more tears. "God that got depressing..." you laugh uncomfortably and clear your throat. "I don't really know what to say now... Uh... I'll be tweeting the album release date soon. Yeah... welp, now that I've got you all sad, I'll be going! Byyyyye!"

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя