Chapter 27

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23rd of December

It's been one hour since your song was released on iTunes.

You thought it would only have, like, three people buying it, but no.

In the past hour, it's gotten between 4000 and 5000 downloads.

"What the even fuck." You say as you look down at your phone.

"So, should I get the money sent straight to our bank accounts? Yes. By the way, I'm getting forty five percent of the profits." Ally says as she moves the mouse and types some thing on her laptop.

"Only forty percent?" You look up at her from your place on the sofa.

"What do you mean only forty percent?"

"Well, you did a shit ton of work there. It literally wouldn't be making any money if you hadn't forced me to upload it."

"Yeah, but you actually made the song and shit. Plus, forty percent is still a lot."

"I feel bad for taking five percent more than you."

"Don't worry bout it. Anyway, what're you doing for Christmas?"

"I was just going to stay here with you. Like last year. And the year before. And the year before. And the year before."

"I'm spending it in London with Rachel though."

"What?!" You jump up and walk over to the table that Ally is sitting at, placing your palms on it and furrowing your eyebrows angrily.

"She asked me to come round for Christmas with her, so that's what I'm doing."

"Rude. What am I meant to do?" You flop back onto the couch.

"Go see your family."

"Nah. They spend Christmas in Australia, remember? There's no way I'm going on that 23 hour flight alone."

"Then come to London. Stay with Rachel and I."

"No way. I'd feel like I'm invading your space."

"Fine, then stay with Dan and Phil."

"But I've stayed with them so much. I'd feel like an asshole, besides, wouldn't they be with family?"

"Holy shit Y/N, just ask them."


Ally sighs in annoyance, rolling her eyes as she grabs your phone from you.

"Hey! What're you doing?" You turn to face her.

"Texting Dan."

"Oye!" You go to grab the phone, but she steps out of the way before hitting send and throwing the phone back at you.

You read the text she sent just as Dan replies to it.

Hi Dan! It's Ally, Y/N's being annoying and refusing to ask you this, but is she able to come stay with you and Phil for Christmas? Her other option is staying here in Manchester alone.

Yeh of course.

Hi it's Y/N, are you sure? Are you not spending it with family or something?

No, I was meant to spend it with Phil and some friends, but then we got into that argument and shit and he's going up North to see family.

Oh okay. When should I come down then?


Do you think Phil would mind if I stayed in his bed?

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