Chapter 85

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So, you and Alex took Kelvin to the hospital.
They sense the incident had somewhat to do with the drugs he'd been taking, but they're going to be keeping him overnight for some tests, just in case.
It is currently 3:45pm.
You and Alex have finished packing up your flat, and dropped Kelvin's things at Alex's flat. You've still got over four hours before you have to be out of the flat, but the two of you are getting an earlier train to London so that you can have a dinner in order to celebrate you getting to one million subscribers, and moving to London.

"Alex, pleeeeaaseee take some of my bags for meeee!" You whine as you drag four suitcases behind you, along with a backpack.

"I don't want toooo!" Alex groans as the two of you stop beside the train platform.

"Please! You're not carrying anything!"

"Uh, excuse me!" Alex points to the backpack on her back.


"Fine. I feel mean saying no." Alex rolls her eyes and takes two suitcases from you as the train stops in front of you. "How did you fit everything in just five bags?"

"It's not like I needed any furniture or anything, just clothes, posters, technology, beauty things and some other stuff..." You explain as the two of you board the train.

"Damn, these are heavy." Alex complains as you both search for a seat. "Are your clothes made of concrete or something?"

"These suitcases are carrying all my living essentials. Of course they're going to be heavy. Oh! There's some seats!" You point over at some seats at the far corner of the carriage.
You both doddle down to them as the train begins to move.
"You excited for tonight?" You ask Alex as you take a seat.

"Yep!" She smiles. "I can't wait to see Phil again. It feels like it's been ages since I've seen him!"

"How's it going with the two of you by the way?"

"Great... I think. I like him so much!"

"I can tell. Do you think this thing between the two of you will last long?"

"I don't know... Dear lord I hope so. He's so great."

"Yeah, and you guys are so fucking cute together. Is your relationship gonna end up being serious or..?"

"I don't know. I mean, I'd prefer to have more serious relationships, I don't know about him though... OH MY GOD THERE'S A DOG!" Alex points over to the two women with a small shitzu.

"Awww." You look over at it.

"I want it." Alex whispers intensely.

"Must. Not. Pet. It."

"I'm going to pet it."

"You're going to look like a weirdo."

"I have to pet it."


"It's so cute. It's begging me to pet it."


"I'm going to pet it."

"Alex- And you're gone." You face palm as Alex dives across the floor and pets the dog. "Well if you're doing it..." You shrug and dive to pet the dog as well.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Where stories live. Discover now