Chapter 68

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One week later.

Alex and Phil have officially decided that they are dating yesterday, meaning neither you or Dan won that bet, so you both bought each other wine.
Kelvin is still dating Tyler since you and Alex couldn't bring yourselves to tell him what happened.
It's three in the morning and you are currently sitting on the balcony studying, at least that's what you were trying to do before getting caught up in writing a song, which you have been stuck on all week.

"Whatcha doin?" Alex asks from her balcony.

"Writing. What are you doing up so late? Everyone else is asleep." You look up from your book at her.

"I've been studying. Final exams are coming up soon and I don't want to fail." She tells you.

"That's what I'm meant to be doing right now." You shut your notebook, stand up, sigh, sit down and open it back up again. "That's what I've been getting up at around four or five every morning to do this entire week."

"Why are you up at three toda- Wait, is that your bra in the corner there?"


"Why is it there?"

You look up at her and smirk.
"Never mind, I don't want to know. I'm going back inside."

She spins around and goes back inside as she said so, leaving you alone once again.

After around ten or so minutes, you hear Dan open the balcony door, walk out and stand beside you.
"What're you doing up so early... or late?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"I was trying to study, but then I got side tracked." You yawn.

"Why at three in the morning?" Dan asks, sitting down beside you.

"Well, I like the night breeze and aesthetic."

"Have you been getting up at this time every night?"

"No. I usually get up at four or something, if we've went to sleep by then."

"And you just sit here studying in the dark?"

"Well, most of the time, yes, but it's just really relaxing. I found the entrance to the roof actually, it's a good place to watch the sun rise. It has chairs up there and everything."

"How did you find it?"

"I was just kind of wandering around the hotel and ended up there."

"Why the fuck were you wandering around the hotel at four in the morning?"

"I got bored of studying. Do you want me to show you the roof? Come on, I'll show you."

"I can't just walk around the hotel in my underwear, Y/N."

"Sure you can, I saw an old lady doing it last night. She was wearing a lace thong."

"I'm not on old lady."

"You sure about that? Your hands are pretty wrinkly you know."

"But I don't have a vagina."

"Well... You're pretty close though..."

"Fuck you."


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