Chapter 24

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It's Saturday afternoon, but of course you're still in bed.

"Y/N! Get up! I have a plan!" Ally runs into your room.

"Huh?" You say groggily.

"We're going out for lunch!"

"Who's we?"

"Me, you, Dan and Phil."

"Dan and Phil won't do anything together."

"We're not all going together. You're going with Dan, I'm going with Phil to meet up with Tyler and Zoe."

"Try not to fangirl Ally. Control yourself around Miss Sugg."

"I'll try my hardest. Now get ready n shit. Be back here to prepare for the concert at 5:30."


Ally smiles and leaves the room.

By the time you get ready, her and Phil have already left to meet up with Tyler and Zoe.

"Y/N! Hurry the fuck up I'm hungry!" Dan shouts.

"I'm ready I'm ready!" You rush to the door where Dan is waiting. You're wearing skinny jeans/a skirt and a black veil brides/my chemical romance t-shirt and converse.

"You owe me £20, Cupcake." Dan smirks.

"Screw you, Howell." You roll your eyes and pull out £20 and slap them onto Dan's hand.

"I knew you'd take forever to get ready." Dan says as you both walk down the stairs.

"Hey, this is the first time I've lost." You argue.

"But it's not the last."

You and Dan decide to go to a restaurant, but they're all too busy.
You the both choose to get something from the fish and chip shop instead, then bring it to sit beside a river.

"I still need to know what you and Phil were arguing about." You tell him.

"No thank you."

"Fine. Have it your way." You reach over and take one of his chips, even though you haven't eaten one of yours yet.

He looks up at you dramatically.

"Did you just do that?" He asks.

"Yes. I did."

"Did you just take one of my chips?"


"I. Will. Destroy you!" He jumps up onto his feet at the same time as you.

"You'll never catch me!" You cry and run away, Dan running close behind you.

You reach at tree and run around it, confusing Dan as you sprint back down to your things, but slip on an open bottle of coke, getting the drink all over you.

"Fuck!" You jump back up onto your feet as Dan reaches you.

You turn to run away, but it's too late.

Dan grabs you from behind and lifts you up in the air, swaying you violently yet safely from side to side.


You break free from his grasp and pick up his bag of chips.

"Don't you fucking dare."

You smirk, picking up a chip and shoving it in your mouth.

"NOOOOOO!" He tackles you to the ground, causing the bag of chips to fly into the river, which then makes you burst out into a fit of giggles. "MY CHIIIIIIIPS!" Dan reaches out his hand dramatically at the chips that are now in the river.
"You will pay for what you have done!"

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