Chapter 70

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~time skip to some Monday in June~

Your very last exams are this week, and to say that you're a little stressed would be an understatement.
You haven't had any conversations with Alex at all this week due to her intense studying, and the conversations you've had with Kelvin have been very small. He spends a lot of time studying, as do you, but he's also been going out a lot more often.
You don't know where to though, you're guessing maybe the gym or the university library or maybe even extra shifts at the café, which you have not so surprisingly been fired from.
Tomorrow is your first English exam, so both you and Kelvin have planned to help each other study all day today, so maybe you'll be able to figure out why he's been going outside so often.

"What page are you even on?" You ask Kelvin after he reads out something that definitely wasn't on the page that you're on.

"Fifty two, why what one are you on?" Kelvin asks, looking at your book.

"Fifty." You tell him, even though he can obviously see that.

"Well that'll be why you fucktard." He laughs.

"How long have we been studying for?"

"About... two hours."

"Ugh. Can we take a break?"

"Sure... I guess."

"Thank fuck." You slam your book shut and lean back into a more comfortable position on your chair. "So, we haven't had a good conversation in a while, what've you been up to lately?"

"Not much. What about you?"

"The usual. Studying, working on music, having no life. The real question is you. You've been actually leaving the fucking house quite a bit lately."

"Oh yeah... guess I have."

"What've you been up to then?"

"Work, studying, exercise, Grindr."

"You use Grindr?!"

"I've went on just a couple dates... well, I wouldn't call them dates. Just casual hookups."

"Oh my fuck. Since when were you like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are not a Grindr guy. Sure, you can have the occasional casual hookup, but you usually meet them at a bar or something, don't you? When did you start using Grindr?"

"About a month or so  ago..."

"Does this have anything to do with you and Tyler breaking up?"

"W-Psht-No... okay, maybe a little. I'm just kind of scared to get back into a relationship... but I still want one."

"Aw, trust issues. I know all about those. I mean, I know more about abandonment issues... and those cause trust issues... but anyway, sure it should take time to get over Tyler, but you will. And you will also stop having so many casual hookups because I don't want you to get an STD or something."

"Noted. Anyway, shall we continue with the studying?"

"Yes we shall."


~Another time skiparoo to the Friday~

Today is your very last exam, so you're pretty relieved that they are now over.
Although you're scared that you didn't get anything right.
You exit the exam hall, but you feel as if you just completely bombed your exam on music theory.
"Idiot!" You quietly yet angrily say to yourself and slap your head, causing a few glares to be thrown your way from passers by.
The boy in your class, whom you still do not know the name of, runs over and catches up with you.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя