Chapter 92

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One week time skip

"We're here!" Alex sings as her, Phil and Kelvin enter the living room where you and Dan are watching tv. "Guess who has a bigger flat than you guys!"

"Guess who dropped a chair on their toe!" Phil says.

"Guess whose cat got drunk last night!" Kelvin smiles, holding up at bottle of beer in his hand.

"Guess who had a little too much to drink on the train." Alex laughs, pointing at Kelvin.

"Kelvin's cat is so cute!" Phil sits down beside you and Dan.

"It fought a lot with my roommate's cat though, so it had to stay at Sam's house." Alex explains.

"Then Sam broke up with me. Bitch." Kelvin sighs and takes a sip of his beer. "Y'know, who needs love anyway? Especially when you have cats!"

"Shame you and Sam broke up. I liked him." You say. "He was the most decent guy you've dated."

"That is true." Kelvin nods his head. "And we would've stayed together if he wasn't moving." He shrugs. "It is what it is."

"I want to meet the cat." You say excitedly and turn to Dan. "Can we get a cat?"

"No but we can get a dog." He tells you.

"Ohmygod can we actually?" You and him both jump and look each other in the eyes excitedly.

"I don't know I don't think we're allowed pets in this building."

"But the neighbours have a dog."

"Maybe we are allowed then... that's an idea..."

"So where's your building at? Is it far from here?" You ask Alex and Kelvin.

"It's just across the street!" Alex tells you.

"We could go visit Waddles right now!" Kelvin grins. "Come on!"


"I love this cat!" You exclaim as you hug Kelvin's cat, Waddles.
He has a very soft, fluffy, white fur coat with coal black paws and ears. Waddles licks your cheek before running across the room to meet Dan, who's just exiting the bathroom.

"Aw!" Dan kneels down and allows Waddles to sniff his hand. "How do they have a bigger place than us?" He looks up at you. "They don't even have jobs yet!"

"Kelvin's dad is absolutely minted." You explain. "As in lives in a mansion minted. Kelvin's an only child as well so he doesn't have to share any money."

"That makes sense. What happens when Kelvin dies then? How's Alex gonna pay the rent for this place without his money?"

"Don't know." You shrug.

"Ow! I swear to god Alex drop one more box on my foot and I'll push you out the fucking window!" You hear Kelvin shout from the kitchen.

"Woops! Sorry!" Alex apologises.

"Seriously though." You look at Dan. "Can we get a dog?"

"Yes please."


"Oh fuck yeah."

"Eek! Yay! Phil!" You call out.

"Yeah?" Phil shouts.

"We're getting a dog!" Dan shouts.

"Yes! Finally!" Phil's voice fills with joy. "When?"

"Don't know." You shrug.

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