Chapter 18

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It's Wednesday night.
You've already finished the two essays and have reviewed your notes millions of times. Your only task is to create the song.

You sit on your bed skyping Dan.

"How's Phil?" You ask.

"Don't know." Dan shrugs.

"How can you not know? Isn't he meant to be your best friend?"

"Eh, we haven't been talking lately."

"Why not?"

"Just stupid stuff. Nothing you would care about."

"Okay... What're you doing on bonfire night?"

"Don't know. Not much probably. How about you?"

"Oh, Ally and I are going to a community bonfire thing. Can't wait to see all the couples watching the fireworks together making me feel bad for being single."

"You don't have to be single..." Dan mumbles.

"Hm?" You ask, not quite hearing him.


"Mumbling again, are we Daniel?"

You spend the next few hours talking to Dan until you look at the clock on your laptop.

"As much as I love talking about power rangers, Dan, it's 3:45 in the morning." You yawn.

"And? We've talked way past three so many times."

"Yeah, but I have to get up at nine."

"In the morning?" Dan gasps.

"Yeah. I promised my boss I'd take over someone's nine thirty shift."

"You know you'll be late if you're only getting up at nine."

"Dan, I think we've proved multiple times that I'm faster at getting ready than you presume."

"Okay. Goodnight, I guess."

"Night, Dan."

You end the call and go to sleep.



You wake up to your alarm, which you had set up as All Star as a joke.


You slide your phone open, turning the alarm off.

You lazily roll out of bed and get changed into your uniform.

You put on some makeup and head out the door.

The café is just down the street, so you arrive there in plenty time.

"Y/N! You're early!" Joshua smiles as you enter the café.

He walks up to you and wraps his arms around you.
You keep your arms by your side and awkwardly attempt to wriggle out of the embrace.

"How are you?" He asks, leading you towards the staff room to get your apron on.

"Fine." You say as you tie your apron around you.

"Need any help?" Joshua asks.

"I'm good."

"Oh! Annie! Let me help you clean that up!" Joshua rushes over to the cashier who's just had coffee spilt on her shirt.

You roll your eyes and begin work.

The morning rush hours are usually between 8 and 10, especially when the university students aren't going to classes on the day. Just like today.

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