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So, it's been over a month since I've updated this.
I'm so sorry.
You've all heard my excuses before.
I have no idea what I'm doing with this story, so I would love to ask you guys for some input!
Should I:

A) have a year or so long timeskip in the near future, which will speed up the time between this book and the sequel


B) Keep taking the story slow. This puts me at risk of making too many parts and having to make a new book for the ending of this one or having a super super lazy, sped up ending that would be sloppy (paha, as if people really care about the ending to a fan fiction being sloppy though?)

Also, to LilyLouiseisace , I wasn't able to respond to your message bc wattpad refuses to let me respond to people so uh here is my response:
I would absolutely love to take a look at it! Could you send it to me or tell me where I could find it please? xx

Sooooo, that's all. This weekend I'm gonna try and give you guys an actual update and get back onto this entire thing.
I started wattpad because it was fun, and I never had much to do, and I love writing stories, and I love getting people to read my stories, so of course making them fan fictions are gonna get more people to read them, and get a better image of what most characters look like.
Lately, I've been getting more and more busy, my mental health has completely deteriorated, and I don't watch YouTubers as much. But I know for a fact that this whole wattpad thing has improved my writing. I've been able to look back at things, figure out why they make me cringe, and learn from my mistakes. In my current state, I am really needing an escape from reality, so coming back to wattpad more frequently would be pretty good. I've been daydreaming a lot more and the line between reality and my mind has been getting smaller and smaller each day, so maybe having one place where I can just write out all the non-reality concepts isn't so bad. I actually used to write a lot of stories that I would never upload because they were super dark and it felt like I would be uploading a piece of my soul for everyone to look at but...
I've gone on a tangent?
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Bye lads!

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя