Chapter 59

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Tyler your fucking hoe why did you dump Kelvin?


Bitch you know what I'm talking about. You broke up with Kelvin and didn't say why.

Did I not say why?

You did not.

I'm sure I did.

"Y/N! Do you want breakfast or not?" Kelvin shouts from the kitchen where he's been spending all morning making breakfast.

"Coming!" You put your phone in your pocket, get up out of your room and walk down to the kitchen.

"Okay. I've got pancakes, bacon, toast, two bowls of cereal, porridge for some reason, boiled eggs and scrambled eggs. Take whatever you want." Kelvin tells you as he sits down with his bowl of cereal.

You've learned that whenever Kelvin goes through a breakup, he likes to cook a lot. That's the only good thing to ever come out of his failed relationships so far.

"Damn." You grab your cereal. "Shame there's only two of us."

Just then, there's a knock on the door.

"Go get it." Kelvin tells you.

"You go get it."

"I'm just in pyjamas."

"So am I."

"Yeah but you're less exposed. I'm only wearing these bottoms."

You sigh and get up.
"You're a bottom."

"Hey! You know I'm a hardcore top!"

"No, I know you're a hardcore switch."


You laugh and walk down the hall to the front door as the person knocks again.

You open it to reveal Alex standing there with messy hair, smudged makeup and holding a pair of high heels in her hand along with her purse.
"Hey, what's that smell? Can I eat here?" Alex asks.

"Come in." You open the door wider to let her in, then close it behind her.

"So, I'm guessing Kelvin and Tyler broke up?"

"How did you know?"

"Neither of you cook regularly. Especially before fucking seven in the morning."

You and her walk back into the kitchen.
You sit back down to eat your cereal while she gets herself a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs.

"What are you doing here so early... and messy?" Kelvin asks.

"Well, last night I went out with some girls in my photography class, don't ask why because I don't know." Alex explains.

"So shouldn't you be at home... sleeping? Not looking like that?" You ask.

"Unless you had... Oh my god you had a one night stand!" Kelvin realises.

"Yeah." Alex sighs. "I think I did... I can't really remember much. I can't really remember anything. I was fucking drunk out of my mind."

"Who was it with?" Kelvin asks.

"I don't know. The guy who lives above you." Alex rubs her hand on her forehead. "I regret it so much. That is not how I wanted to loose my virginity. He wasn't even attractive. He had a fucking pedo stache. God I'm such a dickwad."

"Was he drunk too?" Kelvin asks.

"I don't know, why?"

"Because if he was sober..." Kelvin takes a sip of his coffee. "That counts as rape."



"Kelvin stop, you're scaring her."

"It's true though."

"Shit... I've got to call the girls I was with last night." Alex grabs her phone and exits the room.

"Do you actually think the guy was sober?" You ask.

"No way. I know him, he's a complete alcoholic. Also a stoner. He has girls over all the time." Kelvin laughs.

"You're such a bitch."

"It's the healing process. Would you rather me be crying over Tyler?"


"You son of a bitch Kelvin!" Alex walks back in laughing and slaps Kelvin's arm. "I heard that."

"Well, at least I made you feel better about the situation."

"I guess so." Alex sits back down. "By the way, can you guys make sure that Phil doesn't find out about what happened? I don't want him thinking less of me."

"Yeah, because you loooooove him!" You prod her arm.

"Do not!"

"Yeah you do!"

"Love is a strong word."

"Well, you guys a definitely grafting." Kelvin laughs.

"Oh you can't even deny that, Alex." You say.

"Okay... Maybe I could... possibly like him a little bit...."

"I knew it! You love him!"

"You guys are fucking perfect for each other!"

"Don't get too excited. I don't even know if it's real... it might just be the fangirl inside me. The concept of being in love with someone is... terrifying. And would someone as perfectly... perfect as him really want to be with someone like me?"

"What do you mean? You're amazing..." You smile.

"Just like Phil." Kelvin adds.

"Well..." Alex sighs, puts down her fork and stands up. "Time to go complete the walk of shame. Bye."

Alex picks up her shoes and purse before exiting.

"I still ship it."


"Kelvin hurry up! We're gonna be late for class!"

"I'm sorry! You're the one who hid my phone!"

"Just leave it!"

"That's like leaving my child behind!"

"Well if you don't hurry the fuck up I'm going to be leaving you behind!"

"Don't leave me!"

"Bye bitch!"

You grab your bag and head off to your English lecture, leaving Kelvin behind.

You sit down at the back of the class with your hood up and headphones in, not being bothered to talk to anyone.
Soon, Kelvin comes in and sits next to you.

"Y/N Y/L/N." Laura stands in front of you.

"Laura.... I don't know your last name." You shrug.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"It's Dan Howell, isn't it?"

"How did you guess?"

"I'm not oblivious to what's going on online."

"Well that's great."

"I would like to tell you that I don't think of you as a total butt nugget now."

"Aw thanks. That really means a lot to me."

"Sit down Lauren!" The lecturer enters the room.

"It's LauRA."

"Whatever. Just sit."

I was going to write more, but I didn't.
Bye lads.

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