Chapter 89

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1st of August.

"We're going to new yoooooork!" You sing as you and Dan are waiting in the tunnel to get on the plane to New York. "I'm so excited! Are you excited? I'm excited!"

"Yes, I'm excited." Dan chuckles and pulls you closer to him.

"What do you want to do when we get there?" You ask.

"Sleep. Eat."

"That's so boring!"

"It's going to be half twelve in the morning when we get there."

"That's mental!"

"Sh. You're shouting."

"I don't care! I'm so excited! Ahhhh!"

"Me too, but I'm not going to shout."

"You know you want to shout. I can see it in your eyes."

"How long is this flight again?"

"Like... Eight hours. Why?"

"Oh god have mercy on me. Spending eight hours next to you."

"You've spent, like, eight years next to Phil but you don't want to spend a couple hours next to me? Rude."

"You're rude."

"Why am I rude?"

"Because you're a bitch."

"You're a bitch!"

"You're shouting again." Dan laughs as the two of you reach the entrance to the plane.

"Deal with it. This is how the entire trip is going to be."

"I made an awful mistake when I decided to come on this trip."

"Yes, yes you did."




You almost scream when you hear the distorted version of 'Deep Throat' waking you up from your nice airplane nap.

"You little fucker!" You slap Dan, who's in hysterics.


"Grow up that didn't hurt." You roll your eyes.

"That was mean though."

"You're talking to me about being mean? What the hell kind of wake up call was that!"

"Remember when you woke me up on the flight to Italy? That was my revenge."

"That's some shitty revenge. Remember, I drew on your face. You don't have a pen so you can't do that!"

"I may not have a pen but you had eyeliner in your bag."

"You bitch. I hate you."

"I hate you too. Go back to sleep cause I'm sorry." Dan kisses your forehead, wraps his arm around you and rests his head on yours. "Nighty night."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя