Chapter 25

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It's Sunday afternoon.

You're playing Halo with Dan and Phil while eating popcorn. Ally's over at Rachel's flat which, as it turns out, is in the building right next door.

"Fucking bitch!" Dan yells as you kill him for the fifth time in a row. "Stop camping, Y/N!"

You giggle as you wait beside Dan's avatar's dead body, which, coincidentally, is right beside Phil's. Not like your waiting to kill both of them again and again and again.

"She's killed me twice as much as she killed you, Dan." Phil laughs.

"Yeah, that's because your shit at this." Dan says coldly, still staring at the screen.

A few minutes go by with only the game making any noise.

"HAHA FUCK YEAH!" You lean back, throwing the controller in the air as the game ends, crowning you as the winner.

"Screw you." Dan shoves you into Phil, who awkwardly pats you on the head.

"Wanna play another game?" You ask, still slightly leaning on Phil.

"Okay."  Phil smiles down at you before you both sit back up.

"I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!" Ally sings as she swings the front door open.

"How the fuck did you get in without a key?" You ask as she enters the room.

"The door was unlocked." Ally shrugs. You and Phil immediately look over at Dan, who said he had locked the door after Ally left.

"Oops." Dan shrugs half sarcastically half really annoyed, gets up and walks towards the kitchen.

"Damn what's up with him?" Ally asks, plopping herself beside you.

"Don't know. He was she fine a minute ago." You say.

"Hm. One sec, let me go talk to him." Phil gets up, but you grabs his wrist.

"Aren't you and him fighting though? Would he even want to talk to you?"

"Possibly. We'll see." Phil smiles down at you. You shrug and let go of his wrist, allowing him to leave the room.


Dan's POV

I march into the kitchen and slam my fists on the counter in frustration.

"Fucking bitch." I whisper angrily to myself and lean my forehead on the cupboard.

"Uh, Dan? Are you okay?" Phil asks cautiously as he enters the kitchen.

"Piss off." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" He asks, walking towards me slowly.

"I said piss off."

"What did I do this time?"


"Dan, I didn't do anything wrong!"

You take my head off the cupboard and turn to face Phil, placing my hands on the unit behind me.

"What's the matter?" Phil asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I immediately push it away and look up at him.

"Stop trying to pretend that you give a fuck, Phil. You're just a fucking selfish bitch."

"Seriously, Dan, what did I do?"

I stare up into his eyes angrily.
He does look genuinely concerned, but I bet it's just an act.
Trying to get me to want to be friends with him again.
Then he'll back stab me and take Y/N.

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