Chapter 77

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Not to sound like an overprotective asshole, but where the fuckidy fuck are you? I thought you said you were almost back.

I'm at the hospital.

Wtf why? Are you okay? Why didn't you tell us? Are you dying?

I'm not dying. I'm here because I found some dude beat up in an alleyway and I called the paramedics to help him and I'm waiting until his parents come.

Oh okay. We've been worried sick about you. How long do you think you're gonna be? I'm getting bored of playing third wheel Mario Kart.

Shouldn't be long. I'd say two hours at most. And at least you'll be beating them at it, Alex sucks at Mario Kart.

I gathered that. Do u want to go on a date later?

OmG #DaTeNiTe!1!1!1!1!1

I'm just gonna ignore that and guess it's a yes.

Good idea. Ttyl.


"Excuse me, are you Miss Y/L/N?" A woman with pale skin and a blonde, messy bun taps you on the back.
Beside her is a rather tall man with black hair and a bushy beard.

"Yes, I am." You tell her.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She pulls you into a hug, still repeating thank you.
You awkwardly pat her on the arm before her husband advices her to pull away, saying that she can't just rush over and hug some random woman.
"I'm sorry." She says, wiping some tears away from her face. "I'm just- Thank you."

"If you didn't realise, we're very thankful for you saving our son's life." Her husband says for her.

"Very very very very very thankful. You're a hero." The woman smiles.

"I wouldn't say I'm a hero-"

"We would. If it weren't for you, our little boy might be dead." The man insists.

"I was just doing the humane thing." You tell them.

"Well thank god you were." The woman grins. "These are the kind of things you'd see on the front of the paper."

"I'd rather not have that happen." You tell her. "I don't want it to be like I'm bragging about anything. I'm just glad that he's going to be okay."

"Well, he has a couple broken bones, but they'll heal." The man says. "Thanks again though."

"I don't think we can stop thanking you for what you did!" The woman says. "But I don't want to take up any more of your time. I'm sure you have a life to go live... And thanks to you our son has one as well. I don't think I've ever been more grateful in my life."

"Do you two want to go see him now? He's woken from his nap." The nurse asks the boy's parents.

"We would love to. Have you talked to him yet? I'm sure he'd love to meet the woman who saved his life." The woman turns to you.

"I talked to him before he fell asleep. I mean, not a lot of words were shared, but we did have kind of a conversation." You say. "I'll let you go see your son though."

"Thanks again. Goodbye."



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