Chapter 57

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"You actually just made a fucking grown man cry." Dan laughs as the two of you walk home.
You took around thirty minutes to rant to the waiter about how much of a bitch he was and how pissed you were.
Some words were said, a few slaps and maybe a kick or two was exchanged.

Long story short, you made him cry and got you and Dan banned from the restaurant.
But hey, at least you got your meal for free.

"That asshat had it coming." You tell Dan as you unlock the door to your flat.

"Wait." Dan stops you from opening it.

"What?" You turn to face him, suddenly concerned.

Dan looks down at you, smiles and pulls you up into a kiss, which continues to last as you open the door and enter the apartment.

You continue the kiss for a bit longer, leaning against the now closed door for support, before finally pulling away.

"I need to take this makeup off." You tell Dan.

"Okay. I mean, I think you look great either way, but if you want to." Dan shrugs. "I'll put some music on."

"Kay. Meet me back at my room then." You say and begin to walk towards the bathroom.

"See you in five."

"This is organised fucking right here."


Today's the day that you are moving out of your old apartment and in with Kelvin, which is a good thing.
But it's also the day in which Dan and Phil are going back to London, which is obviously a bad thing.
But hey, it's also the day that Alex is getting out of hospital, so the good things happening today outweigh the one bad thing.

"Are you sure nobody will notice the fucking big ass dent in the wall you made last night?" You ask Dan.

"I'm sure." Dan tells you. "I still don't understand how one high heel could cause that much damage to the wall."

"Well, to be fair, you had to use a lot of force to take them off. It's no wonder it flew across the room and hit the wall." You laugh, remembering Dan last night.

His foot were too big for the heels, so you both had to spend ages to get off both shoes.
At one point, you were close to giving up before Dan got one shoe off, which flew across the room, slammed into the wall and made a rather obvious dent.
That's when you gave up on getting the other one off, because you knew that both of you would be exhausted by the time you got the other off, so you left it for the morning.
Bad idea.
A lot of butter, screaming and arguing happened before you finally got the other shoe off.

"I feel bad for leaving you." Dan says after you finish moving all your belongings to your new home. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes dad-Dan-fuck it. Yes daddy. What am I doing? Why am I still talking?" You ask. "Please shut me up."

"Why? I like listening to you." Dan smiles.

You both just stare at each other lovingly before Phil rushes in.

"Dan! Hurry up, we're going to miss the train!"

"Fuck." Dan grabs his suitcase and jacket. "I'll talk to you when I get back home."

"Okay. Bye." You say. "Don't die on your way home."

"Bye love." Dan kisses your forehead.

"Bye." Phil waves as him and Dan leave.

"There goes the chances of you getting laid again for months." Kelvin laughs.

"Shut the fuck up Kelv, your boyfriend lives in America." You spin around and sit on the couch beside Kelvin.

"Don't fucking remind me." Kelvin sighs.

"How's you and Tyler's relationship going by the way?" You ask.

"Absolutely amazing! I love him so much. You don't even understand how fucking much I love him."

"I think I do. You're not the only one with a boyfriend."

"True, but I love Tyler much more than you love Dan."

"Bitch, you're joking, right?"

"Yeah. I don't actually know how much you love Dan."

"Damn right you don't."

"So did you guys, y'know... fuck last night?"


"Oh oh oh! Tell me everything. Wait..." Kelvin looks down at his watch. "Shit. I was meant to be at the café half an hour ago."

"I was meant to be there 24 hours ago." You laugh.

"We're obviously the greatest workers." Kelvin pulls on a pair of converse.

"I mean, clearly. I'm also meant to be working on an assignment for my music class, so I'm an even better student."

"Yeah, you should go do that."

"I can't be arsed."

"Come on. Do it."

"Why does everyone have to be so pushy about helping me with life?"

"Because you're a procrastinating little shit, Y/N. Now get your ass up and do your work."
Kelvin finishes tying his laces and leaves.

You groan and grab your hoodie, phone and headphones, leaving a few minutes behind him.

You walk down to the creative arts building while listening to Mayday Parade, then to one of the music rooms.

You sit yourself down in front of the piano as your music gets interrupted by someone calling you.

"What is it, Dan?" You answer.

"Hey Y/N, we have a problem."

"What is it? Did you leave some bullshit at my old flat or-"

"No, it's nothing like that."

"What is it then?"

"Well, Phil took some really cute photos of us doing couple stuff like kissing and all that..."

"Yes, and..?"

"I asked him to send some of them to me, so he direct messaged me them on Instagram..."

"I don't see the problem..."

"He may or may not have accidentally posted one of them."


I couldn't bring myself to write smut.
I might possibly write it later in this story, but for now, we're going smut free here.

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