Chapter 67

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"I wonder if anyone has an octopus kink." You say, looking down at the inflatable octopus you just finished inflating.

"Ever heard of tentacle porn?" Dan looks up at you as he finishes inflating the Loch Ness monster.

"Do you think anyone has a starfish kink then?" Alex asks.

"Dan probably does." Phil laughs.

"Don't expose my kinks!" Dan lightly hits Phil's arm.

"Can we go into the sea now?" You ask, standing up with the octopus.

"Fuck yeah!" Dan jumps up with the Loch Ness monster.

"Someone should stay beside the towels, just in case someone robs us." Alex says. "I'll do it."

"No, I'll do it. I just put my sun tan lotion on." Kelvin says.

"No, it's okay. I'll stay." Alex shakes her head.

"Cmon, you haven't been in any water at all yet!" Kelvin says.

"Eh, I don't need to." Alex shrugs.

"Come on Alex!" Phil smiles.

"Well, I'm going swimming!" Dan grabs the starfish from Phil and runs down to the sea.

"Hey! Give Daryl back!" Phil chases Dan down to the sea, determined to get the starfish back.

"Why don't you want to come swimming?" You ask Alex.

"Because I don't like wearing a swimming costume." Alex says.

"Are you not wearing one right now then?" Kelvin asks.

"Oh no, I am wearing a bikini under these clothes, but I don't like it. I look ugly." Alex says.

"You didn't drag me around the shopping centre for hours helping you find bikinis for nothing!" You say. "Which one is it?"

"The blue one with the cool strap thingy at the back." Alex says.

"That one looks so fucking great on you!" You tell her.

"Nothing looks great on me."

"Fucks sake Alex you look amazing. Stop being a bitch to yourself and get in that ocean or I'm gonna fucking make you, asshole." Kelvin says.

"As aggressive as that sounded, Kelvin's right. There's no reason for you to be so damn insecure. You're obviously a healthy weight and look fucking fantastic so come on!" You say.

"You sure you're not lying to me?"

"Alex, you know me. When the fuck have I ever lied?" Kelvin asks.

"True... Okay, fine. To the ocean!"


You, Alex, Dan and Phil are sitting on a separate inflatable each.
Dan's on the Loch Ness monster, Phil's on Daryl the starfish, you're on the octopus and Alex is on the dolphin.

"I'm just saying- Ah!" Your soon to be rant about Justin Bieber being a reptile is interrupted by someone tipping your octopus upside down, making you fall into the salty water.
"Daniel James Howell I know that was you!" You shout, popping your head above the water.

You watch him pick up your octopus and board the Loch Ness monster again.

"I'm coming for you bitch!" You swim over to him a try to splash him, but he blocks the water with the octopus.

"Try and get me you piece of shit!" Dan shouts.

"You think that they are couple goals?" Phil asks Alex, who was going on about how you and Dan are 'goals' earlier.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя