Chapter 95

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One week later

"So... how's work?" You ask Alex as the two of you walk down to the hospital. You'd usually get a taxi, but they cost a lot of money, and you're not in a massive rush.

"Good. Most of the kids I teach are decent, but there are some that act like idiots." Alex explains. "My boss keeps offering to let me take some paid days off, but I keep telling him that I don't need them."

"Why? I'd be taking them off if I were you. I don't even know how you're able to get out of bed in the morning with what's happening. How the hell do you do it?"

"I just know that this is how life goes. I would've thought that you'd know that too. There isn't much we can do about this whole thing but keep going and pray for the best." Alex shrugs. "This is just life. People leave. Just got to deal with it."

"Guess you're right. What if only one of them wakes up?"

"Then I guess one of us will be living the rest of our lives in jealously of the other, but let's not focus on that. We just got to stay positive. Being negative isn't going to help anything."

"Since when were you so damn smart?"

"I did do a..." Alex brushes her nails on her black jacket. "Side course in psychology, so you can say that I'm an expert on human behaviour."

"Of course you are." You laugh.

"I still can't believe that all this crap has happened. Phil and I were meant to go on a date that night."

"Dan and I were meant to watch tv and eat food. That idea just disappeared like my dad."

"What food were you going to eat?"

"All of it."

"That sounds nice."

"I still did it anyway."

"Course you did."

It doesn't take that much longer until you reach the hospital and get to see Dan.
Not much has changed since you first saw him.

"Still in a coma, huh?" You sit down beside him. "You always have been a lazy ass." You shuffle closer to him. "But I still love you." You place a hand on his cheek. "Life is so boring without your ratty self in it. Hey, is it true that you can hear me talking right now? I've been told that people in comas can still hear everyone talking around them." You drop your hands. "Let me tell you a story about D/N. I was walking the adorable little slut when she spotted another dog across the street and started going insane." You explain. "She tried to drag me across the street, then I fell over and scuffed my knee. It still really hurts. D/N didn't even get to go meet the other dog."
You sigh and hold Dan's hand.
"Everyone misses you, y'know. Don't know why, you're a fucking mong." You giggle, finding it difficult to take things seriously. "I'd guess I miss you the most. The flat is really quiet without you and Phil, you pair of shits. D/N misses you too. I don't think she likes the idea of just being stuck with me. I don't like the idea of you not being alive either." You glance up at the heart monitor, which is beeping, slowly but surely.
"That machine is doing my head in, but I would rather it keep beeping I guess." You look back down at Dan. "You know I love you, right? I miss you. Life sucks dick without you. When the hell are you going to wake up?"

You look at him as if he will respond, but, of course, there is no answer.
The only sounds that fill the room are beeping and breathing.

"Good sign that you're breathing, I guess." You say. "Remember when we met? That was a really good concert, wasn't it? Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if Ally didn't get the tickets... I wonder if we still would've ended up meeting... I wonder if I would be trying to figure out how to get a job... I wonder if I would still be living in Manchester... I wonder if-if Ally would still be alive... that is where she met Rachel after all. That son of a bitch. I never got to beat the shit out of her... I wish I did. I hope she's having the worst time in prison. She deserves it." You stop when you see Dan's face twitch for a split second.
You gasp when the heart monitor skips a beat, but soon resumes back to normal.

"For a minute there I thought you were about to wake up... I guess it was a false alarm." You say. "So uh... Brandon has been talking to me about doing some concerts following up the release of my album... that's pretty cool. He said it would probably just be in places around the uk, but I'm still excited. I'm hoping that you'll wake up by then... I don't think I'd be able to go up on a stage without knowing that you're there." You fiddle with Dan's hands. "In other news, Kelvin is still a mess. He's not gotten any better, and I'm scared that he might have found a new drug dealer. That's really something that needs sorted out. Alex is actually doing decent... I think she really misses Phil though. Bad. She's been doing a lot of work according to Kelvin. Only thing that keeps her going I guess. Everything is so damn intense right now and I don't like it. Can't you just wake the fuck up?" You poke his nose. He twitches again, back goes back to normal within a second.
"I wonder if you and Phil have met in like the afterlife or something and you're just chatting and having a great time. That would be cool. You guys could be playing a game of ping pong or some shit like that." You shift around in your chair and look down at him for another minute.
"Y'know what?" You pause. "You need a haircut." You giggle to yourself and brush hair away from his face.

You lean back and hum/whistle a tune to yourself.
"Oh my god." You gasp, realising something. "That guy in my music class was flirting with me!" You chuckle and face palm. "I'm an idiot."


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