Chapter 96

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It's been a month since the shooting.
Not much progress has been made.
Phil's chances of living are slowly decreasing, while Dan's are staying the same.
You've been spending most of your time at the piano, or with D/N. Most of the time, it's technically both.
With all this time writing music, you've come up with what you think is the best song you've written yet.
You've also been working on some music videos, mainly coming up with ideas and sorting them out. Next week is when you start filming.
You've been making sure that, while you're going through a lot in your personal life, you still keep active online.
Your album release date has recently been released, as has the option to pre-order it. Sales are already going amazing, so there's a high chance that sales are going to go through the roof when it's released.
Soon, you'll be telling everyone about your uk album release tour. Tickets will be going on sale on the 1st of October.
Despite all the excitement entering your life, the days feel slow and tiresome without Dan in them.
All of this has been close to impossible to do alone. You miss him so much that it physically pains you just to breathe.
You're living in agony without him.

"This is so fucking cute." Alex smiles as you, her and Kelvin watch D/N and Kelvin's cat, Waddles, cuddling on your sofa together.

"They have a better relationship than I've ever had." Kelvin says, petting Waddles' head.

"They're cuter than I'll ever be." You grin.

"So..." Kelvin leans back in his seat. "How long till you two stop waiting for your boyfriends to wake up?"

"Excuse me?" Alex looks up at him. "For as long as it takes."

"Come on," Kelvin shakes his head, "you've been dating less than a year. You can't love him that much." He puts his feet up and cuddles into the cat and dog.

"Just cause you wouldn't know love if it not only but you on the nose, but ripped off your nose and fed it to you."

"Violent." You murmur to yourself while taking a sip of tea/coffee.

"I-Uh..." Kelvin searches for words.

"Have nothing to say to that? That's cause you know it's true." Alex shrugs.

"Why are you suddenly such an asshole? You're meant to be the nice one!" Kelvin says frustratedly.

"Oh don't you even start talking to me about personality changes!"

"What the hell is that meant to mean?"

"I think you know what the hell it's meant to mean! You're a completely different person compared to the Kelvin that I first met!"

"That's cause we met, like, three or four years ago!" Kelvin stands up and places his bottle of beer on the floor. "People change dumbass!"

"True, and usually they change for the best. Not you, junkie!"

Kelvin gasps as Alex stands up with her hand on her hip.
"Bitch!" Kelvin takes a step closer to Alex.

"Asshole!" Alex does the same.


"Shit head!"


"Y'know what? Least I'm not dying within the next few years."

"Oh yeah?"


"We'll see about that you piece of shit!" Kelvin goes to grab Alex by the throat, but she dodges it and runs away, soon chased.

"Guys!" You jump up and chase after Kelvin.

"Piss off!" Alex shouts.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя