Chapter 80

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"Maybe it's not true..." Sam says, breaking the silence.

After Kelvin told you guys what the doctor told him, you all assisted in getting him to bed, then just sat down in the living room.
Not one of you have talked until now.

"Why would it not be true?" You ask.

"Well... He's obviously drunk... And possibly high or stoned... M-Maybe it's not true!" Sam says unsurely.

"I think it's true." Alex sighs quietly.

"I can't be!" Sam says desperately.

"I'm sure they have a cure for it..." You say.

"They don't." Alex tells you. "They have some medicine to contain it... But not a cure yet."

"For fucks sake." You sigh and rest your chin in the palm of your hand. "Why is everything such bullshit?"

"Because life hates everyone." Sam groans and tilts his head back.

"Then I relate to life." You say.

"Can you guys stop being so negative!" Alex scolds. "Life isn't all bullshit."

"It is." Sam says.

"No! No it's not!" Alex insists. "I refuse to let you believe that! There are millions of great things in life!"

"Like what?"

"Puppies, flowers, rainbows, that feeling when you peel glue off your fingers, sunsets, sunrises, music... I can think of many things."

"Of course you can." You laugh lightly. "You're just great at making everybody feel happy."

"Apart from yourself." Sam mumbles.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, Sam?" Alex crosses her arms sassily.

"Actually, yes. I know that you can make everyone else happy, but what's the point if you can't even make yourself happy? Nobody in the world is as happy as you're pretending to be." Sam says. "And sure, making others happy is a wonderful thing, but what's more important is making yourself happy. Your own health and happiness should come before anyone else's... I mean, unless something like murdering people makes you happy."

"Wow. Well then..." Alex sighs. "That's actually more helpful than my therapist."

"You must have a really shitty therapist then." Sam chuckles.

"Yup." Alex nods her head and giggles in agreement. "My therapist is an actual cunt."

"I'm going to bed." You announce. "You guys can sleep on the couch or something."

"But your couch is so uncomfortable!" Alex whines.

"Then come sleep in my bed." You roll your eyes.

"This night is shaping up to be pretty gay." Alex laughs. "But yeah, your bed is comfortable as fuck."

"I think I'm just gonna go home..." Sam stands up.

"You don't have to. It's like... Four in the morning. It would be easier, plus you can help Kelvin get over the hangover in a few hours." You say.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Sam asks.

"It's perfectly fine." You shrug.

"I'm going to your bed." Alex tells you while yawning.

"I think I'll be on my way to sleep as well, there are blankets in the cupboard over there. Goodnight." You tell Sam before turning around and walking down to your bedroom.



"Y/N you lazy shit get up!" Alex shoves you for the tenth time this morning in an attempt to get you up.

"Piss the fuck off." You groan and push her away.

"It's twenty to four. Get up!"

"Yeah, get up!" Kelvin says as he walks into the room.

"See, even Kelvin's up!" Alex says in annoyance.

"You fucking bitches!" You slap Alex's arm and roll of the bed. "Shit!"

"You're a fucking dumbass, you know that?" Kelvin chuckles.

"Shut up, stoner." You stand up and rub your head.

"Hey, I was not stoned last night!" Kelvin says stubbornly. "I was high."

"What a massive difference." You roll your eyes. "Hey, do you really have aids?"

"Yes. Why the fuck do you think I'm currently in the process of a full on mental breakdown." Kelvin says. You only just now notice that he's got a bottle of whiskey in his hand. "Why are you letting him drink that?" You ask Alex.

"I tried to stop him. Turns out, I'm not that strong." Alex raises her hands in defence.

"Where's Sam? He's like a foot taller than Kelvin, surely he'd be able to stop him from drinking alcohol while having a hangover."

"He left a couple hours ago." Alex tells you.

Suddenly, there's a loud knock at the front door.

"That'll be Dave." Kelvin says, stumbling and turning around to walk away.

"Who the fuck is Dave?" You ask.

"The landlord." Kelvin tells you.

"Can I meet him?" You ask.

"Not while wearing pyjamas." Kelvin rolls his eyes.

"You can't go see him when you're on the verge of being drunk!" You argue.

"Yes I can and I will." Kelvin walks away to go get the door.

"I'll go with him." Alex says and follows Kelvin out, closing the door behind her.

You sigh and grab a Melanie martinez/Fall Out Boy sweater and some black/white skinny jeans.
After pulling them on, you walk out of your room and down the hall towards the living room.
You see Alex and Kelvin sitting on the couch talking to a tall man with silver hair.

"Hi." You wave to him.

"Dave, this is my new roommate Y/N. Y/N, this is Dave the landlord." Kelvin says.

"Can you stop calling me Dave? My name is David." The guy insists.

"Nice to meet you, David." You smile at him.

"Ditto. Anyway, I have some news... And it will be very bad for you..." David sighs.

"What is it?" You ask as you take a seat.

"There's no way to say this easily... So... You're getting kicked out... Hm. Guess it was easy." David says.

"Kicked out?" You repeat.

"Is this because I call you Dave?" Kelvin asks.

"No. We just have a better offer for this place... Meaning I get more money. So... That's it I guess. You have to be out in a week."

"A week? How the fuck are we meant to find new places to stay within a week?" Kelvin gasps.

"Yeah... Sorry. That's just... How it is." David shrugs. "I'll be going now. Good luck." With that, he stands up and just exits.

"You're fucking kidding me!" You shout in annoyance.

"First I get aids, now I get homeless!" Kelvin pauses to finish off his whiskey. "I deserve this."

Didn't read through this. Its probably shit.

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