Chapter 56

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You're lying on your bed next to Dan, both of you ignoring each other as you scroll through Twitter and he does god knows what on his phone.

"Dan. Stop poking my double chin." You say, still scrolling.

"No. It's fun." Dan continues to poke your chins.

You laugh and look over at him. "Do you think I could get a tattoo?"

"I don't know. You might be too scared to."

"I'm gonna get a tattoo."

"Sure you will."

"I will!"

"What will you get it of then?"

"I don't know... Ally and I always talked about getting ones when we left uni though..."

"Aw. You really miss her, don't you?"

"I do."

You both look at each other for a few minutes.
You take the time to appreciate every inch of Dan's face.
His warm, brown eyes will always be your favourite part of his face.

"We should probably be getting ready if we want to get to the restaurant in time for our reservation." Dan says.

You and him have made reservations at a restaurant in town for a date tonight as him and Phil are leaving tomorrow.

"Twenty minutes." You say.


"If you lose, you got to wear these." You grab a pair of high heels from the floor and hold them up.

"Fine. If you lose, I get to 'touch up' your makeup."


"Okay. Go."

You rush to the cupboard and grab a dark purple/red dress as Dan gets up to go have a quick shower.

You get changed, do curl/straighten your hair and do your makeup in around 25 minutes.

"Aha! I win!" You say to Dan as you finish off your makeup.

"No. You said 20 minutes. That was 25." Dan smiles.

"But you said 30. That was under thirty."

"But it was over twenty."

You both look at each other before shouting at the exact same time.

"Yes?" Phil walks into the room.

"So, if I said I'd be ready in 20 minutes, Dan said 30. I was ready in 25. Who won?" You ask.

"I think you both lost." Phil says. "What were the forfeits?"

"Well, if Y/N lost, I get to do some of her makeup. If I lost, I have to wear high heels to the restaurant." Dan explains.

"But I guess neither of us have to do any of that." You smile.

"No. You said if you lost. You both have to do it." Phil smirks.

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