Chapter 59

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May 3rd, 1998

Michael, Katherine, and the girls had flown to Encino for Katherine Day. Back in New York on work, Mariah couldn’t make it to the celebration.

“Hello? Mike?” Janet asked over the loudspeaker. She was what seemed like worlds away on tour and couldn’t make it to her mother’s party. Latoya decided it would be a good idea to phone her in for the family. Soon, it was Michael’s turn to talk to her.

Michael grinned. “Hey, Dunk.”

“Hey! How are you? How are my girls?” Janet asked, excitedly.

“They’re good! They’re teething now!” Michael responded, equally as excited.

“Oh good, good. Is Mariah there?“ She asked.

“Nah, she’s in New York.”

“Thank god.” Rebbie mouthed.

Michael rolled his eyes but continued on with Janet. “But when are you coming back?”

“Well my next big break is late June but I’ll be on vacation in Mexico with Rene.”

Michael sighed. He could tell Janet wasn’t happy at the prospect of spending her break with her husband. “We’re going to have to talk about that when you have a chance. But when’s your first show here, though?”

“Umm, I think it’s like early July. I’ll have to let you know.”

“Yeah, alright, and maybe if you come to the area, I can go to one.” Michael responded, gleefully.

Janet chuckled.

“You sure about that?” Latoya asked.

Michael raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Listen, our baby sister ain’t no baby no more.” Latoya explained.

“Oh stop it Toya!” Janet shouted. “It ain’t that bad.”

“What ain’t that bad?” Michael asked, genuinely confused as to what they were talking about.

“Nothing.” The sisters said in unison.

Michael shrugged it off. “Alright well, we gotta start getting the girls ready to eat. I’ll talk to you later, baby.”

“Don’t call me baby!” Janet joked.

Michael giggled. “Okay Strawberry Shortcake. Love you.”

“Love you too.”


Jermaine walked out of the kitchen and sat next to Rebbie. The family sat in the living room at Hayvenhurst, having dessert.

“So did y’all see the news the other day?” He asked everyone.

“Yeah I saw.” Rebbie responded with the most disgusted look on her face. “Apparently, the mama ain't the only criminal in the family.” Rebbie said, casting a glance at Michael, who had just returned from the bathroom.

“What?” Michael asked, confused.

She shrugged. “I hope you know who you married.”

“I wanna know whose house it was.” Jermaine said. “You know how mad you gotta be at somebody to burn down their house?”

Michael glared at Jermaine. It was his first time seeing his brother since their fight, and the two sat on opposite ends of the room, a gaggle of siblings between them.

“Probably some woman. He seem like the type.” Rebbie said. “Whole family messed up: one daughter on drugs, the other a drunk, and the son on the run. No wonder their father left.”

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