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"Nora!" Nora's stylist, Kati, was busy playing with her hair, when one of the set assistants called to her

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"Nora!" Nora's stylist, Kati, was busy playing with her hair, when one of the set assistants called to her. "You're Select rep is here." Nora nodded and smiled as Evelyn walked towards her.

"Hey you!" Evelyn's smile was forced, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just have some papers you need to sign, they got lost in my desk, apparently and the board needs them."

"Oh, I'll sign them." Nora said to the clearly distraught girl. "Are you okay, Evelyn?"

"Me? I'm fine."

"You look like you've been crying..." She noted, kindly. "What happened?" Evelyn looked at her through the reflection in the mirror and her eyes filled up. "Oh no...no, no, don't cry, honey." She turned to Kati. "Can you give me a minute?" The green-haired girl nodded.

"I'll be back in five."

"Evelyn, what happened?"

"This is so unprofessional, I should not be crying right now..." Nora rubbed her hands up and down her crying rep's arms in an attempt to soothe her.

"Like I'm gonna fucking tell on you! Hey, I swear I'm a good listener."

"It's my boyfriend—well, ex as of this morning—or last night, I don't even know what happened. But he told me that he doesn't love me anymore and we've been together for years...I just don't understand how this happened. I'm sorry for being a total baby."

"Um, guys can be complete fucking dicks. I get it." She hugged Evelyn now, "I'm so sorry, Evelyn."

"He broke my heart and I don't even know...I've got no clue what I do now."

"I'll tell you what you do...you come have drinks with me after this shoot is over, okay? We'll have a good time and it'll be nice to just get your mind off of him for a little while."

"I shouldn't...."

"Oh, come on, lady! Who says we can't hangout, huh? Besides, I could use a drink or two, it's my last night in London for a little while!" Evelyn sniffled and then finally nodded.

"Alright, that'll be good for me, yeah. What time? I can pick you up from here."

"We should be done around 4:30. Just in time for happy hour!" Evelyn smiled at the perky model who was so intent on bettering her day.

"Thank you, Nora." She signed the papers and handed them back.

"I'll see you in a few hours, girl!" Nora's stylist came back and began working on her hair, and Evelyn walked out, trying her best to smile. However, when she got into her car, she burst into tears once again. The emotional toll of the heart wrenching break up hit her like a wall of bricks.


Nora: Hi you...gonna be a little late. Grabbing drinks with a friend, she had a rough morning.

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