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Just a lil' heads up...the direction I'm taking this story in (if you haven't already noticed) is that not everything is adding up, time wise. The time frame in which I'm fitting all of this into is not going to match up to the real-life time frame. Also, Robin's death is something that I'm completely going to leave out because it's simply too sad to think about, let alone write about. The movie premiere has not happened yet and obviously the album (which came out in May) hasn't been finished. There's a reason why these things are called fan-fiction. There are numerous fictional twists, obviously, lol. Anyhow, hope you enjoy this sort of short chapter! PS: the gif below is just too cute to not add in.


2 Weeks Later — Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Harry hangs up the video chat with Nora and saunters out onto the sand, where everyone in the house is sitting around the fire

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Harry hangs up the video chat with Nora and saunters out onto the sand, where everyone in the house is sitting around the fire. The sun has just disappeared and they all wolf whistle as he sits down.

"Was the Skype sex alright then?" Adam, Harry's bass player asks him. Harry laughs and shakes his head.

"You're a wanker, did you know that?"

"Well, go on, tell us, mate!" Jeff, his producer continues teasing him.

"Bugger off, Jeffrey."

"How are things with Nora, Harry?" Clare, the keys vocalist, changes the tone, no longer wanting to give him a hard time like the rest of the men.

"Things are...they're really wonderful. Thank you for asking, Clare."

"You two are quite serious, aren't you?"

"We are...m'excited to get home to her." He smiles, happily. "Big things are going to happen, I think."

"What kind of big things?" Alex, the director, smirks.

"Just big things."

"Sex things?" Everyone laughs and Harry flips him the bird.

"Oh, sex things will definitely happen, that's a given." Jeff has always been one to give Harry the hardest time, he's a big brother of types. "But, can you blame him? She's a fit little number."

"She's the most beautiful girl in the world, yes, but you watch what you say Jeffrey." He puts his hands up in mock defense.

"What kind of things, Harry?" Sarah may be a badass drummer, but she was usually very quiet and kept to herself, until right now.

"Just...future things. I think after this, we're both going to be ready to really settle down, you know?" She nods and smiles warmly at him.

"Good for you."

"Whoa...how settled are we talking about here?" Jeff asks.

"Settled settled, mate."

"Harry..." His humorous tone has been abandoned, now he's sounding much more serious. "You've got a very busy two years coming up, bud. The album dropping in a few months will kickstart everything."

"I understand that, Jeff."

"We're thinking an eight to ten month long tour...album release everything."

"When were you going to bring that up?"

"Eventually. I hadn't imagined it was something you'd ever protest. You've had a good long while of time off, now I thought you'd be ready to really go full force."

"I want this album to be fucking amazing, and I know it will be, especially with all of you behind me...but I also want to start my life with Nora. She comes first, Jeff. She will always come first. Before my career...before anything."

"Are you talking marriage...moving in together? Kids? What?"

"I don't know. Some of it, all of it...we haven't decided yet." Jeff looks down at his fidgety thumbs. "But whatever we do decide, it's going to be my priority."

"Harry, this album...if you don't put everything you've got into it...it won't be fucking amazing. It'll be mediocre. But your fans and everyone else, they can sniff things out like dogs. If you're not one hundred percent invested in this, they're going to know and I believe you'll be very disappointed in the reaction to something you just spent eight and a half weeks working really hard on." Harry stays quiet.

"We're going home tomorrow, lad. Talk to Nora about the next year or two...figure out what you wanna do and then we can talk about it. You're not boxed in a corner here, you know that. We just want what's best for you." Alex says, with less tough producer in his voice. He sounds more like a friend. Harry doesn't like what either of them have to say, but he does very much appreciate it. He knows they just want to make the album the best that it has the potential to be.

"Yeah mate, I will." He stands up. "I'm going to head to bed, but I just want all of you to know...it's been an absolute honor and pleasure working with you. We've created something bloody wonderful here and I'm so excited to embrace it all with you when it hits the fan. Good work and...well, I love you all. I'm glad to have gotten lucky enough to lead this team." He hugs every one of them and then they shout their goodnights to him as he pads off to his room. He brushes his teeth and then he slumps onto the bed. He rubs his face and he groans because he know that Jeff has a point. He knows that. But after Nora mentioned the possible ceasing of her contraceptive...he seriously could not stop thinking about it. With Evelyn, he'd always used his career and the inevitable new album to stand in their way of settling down, but now his future with Nora, a real, adult future was right in front of him, within reach and his excuse from his last relationship was being thrown back in his face. His mind began subconsciously putting a reel together, a reel of their life and children...a beautiful little townhouse in West Village...Chelsea maybe. Pets. Obviously, the cats, but possibly a dog? Everything that he had ever wanted with Nora played over in his head and he wanted it more than ever. This was the life that he yearned for, and he had the girl that he wanted more than anything in the world. Why should he have to sacrifice that for his music? Why couldn't he just do both? 

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