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Nora awoke to quite an endearing sight

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Nora awoke to quite an endearing sight. Harry was laying on his back, out cold, with Magellan sprawled out along his side, spooning him, and Maude curled up in a tiny little ball on his bare chest. It's a good fucking thing he's a cat lover, she thought. Careful not to stir up too much movement, she slipped out of bed and padded out of her room. As she walked to the bathroom, she tied her robe around her waist and yawned. She rinsed the previous day's old makeup off her face and cleansed it thoroughly, before brushing her teeth. She completed all her morning activities, such as peeing and of course, going numero deux. Thank fuck, for Poo-pouri. Next, she put the coffee on. Apple Cinnamon Donut from New England Coffee Company, only the best. She was finished everything in less than ten minutes, and when she walked back to the room, Harry was just beginning to wake up. "Good morning, Magellan. Good morning, Maude." He greeted her pets, and then he squinty-smiled up at her, "Good morning, baby." She bent down and kissed him.

"Morning, you."

"Sleep well?" He asked, mid-yawn.

"Like...a baby. You?"

"Well, at some point in the night, I lost contact with you, and ended up with these two goons...but yes, I slept very well."

"Good." She smiled, "I put some coffee on."

"I smell it." He yawned, once again. "What's on your agenda today?"

"Surprisingly, not much. I have to go to the gym soon...I'm meeting my ballet mistress at eleven."

"You do ballet?" He asked her, loving this new bit of information.

"I do...since I was five."

"I'd like to see you dance sometime."

"We'll see, you."

"I only get a we'll see?" He said, frowning, but Nora simply shrugged. "What about after the gym? Any plans?"

"Nothing at all. Do you have plans?"

"Was gonna head over to my flat. I figure it's about time I go and do something, even if it's just flying from one nest to the other." Nora laughed at the fact that he'd referred to both of their homes as nests that he'd fly to. "Was thinking, maybe, we could stay at mine tonight?"

"How are we going to do that?"

"We have a few options..." He held up a finger, "option number one, paper bag mask."

"Anything else?" Nora teased him as he pouted.

"Nora, let me finish." She held her hands up in playful defense and he tried not to smile. "Completely separate arrival and departure times."

"Very plausible."

"But...here's my favorite..." Nora was anxious to hear this one. "I put you in a suitcase and roll you in."

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