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Tuesday, August 22nd 2023 — Nora

3:30 P.M

Two pink lines! My beautiful, incredible daughter is pregnant! Oh, Nora, baby...I'm so glad for you, and I'm up here cheering you on. But first thing is first, water with cucumber and mint! Sometimes lemongrass is really nice! But stay hydrated. Indulge in your crazy cravings, but balance them out with healthy snacks as well! Yoga, walking, pilates...prenatal ballet...do it all! You'll feel so wonderful and I promise, you will thrive. Be nice to Harry...or whomever the father may be. I know your hormones will be all out of whack, so focus on being kind. Harry can put up with you at your worst, but I'm not sure about your pregnant worst! Do everything together. Let him coddle you, don't fight him when he wants to help. Don't be stubborn! I know you'll freak out about then stretch marks. They won't go away, but focus on keeping your body in shape after you give birth. Sit ups and crunches helped me, and your father can attest to the amount of yoga I did. Just don't strain yourself. You're a mom now, and the kids come first! Motherhood is entirely different, so I'll be writing that letter separately. I love you, my sweet girl. You're gonna do great. Remember, hee-hee-hoo and ice chips! Squeeze Harry's hand as hard as you can, he's not pushing a baby out of his body! I'll be right next to you, Nora. The whole time.

I fold up the letter and wipe away a single tear

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I fold up the letter and wipe away a single tear. Peter's sound asleep, his head in my lap and his legs curled up, close to his chest. I smile down at him and brush his hair away from his face. Harry took Rosie to her dentist appointment and we stayed behind. The last few weeks, he'd been slightly lethargic and he said his eyes hurt, so we made an ophthalmology appointment, assuming he needed glasses. Poor thing. But in this moment, I felt good knowing that he was safe in my lap. Nothing could hurt him when he was sleeping peacefully. I pick up the next letter. Motherhood, and my eyes begin to take in each carefully written word.

So you survived the dreaded delivery! I knew you could. How did it feel to hold my little grand-baby in your arms? I already know the answer...indescribable. Overwhelming and so absolutely perfect. They are so safe with you. So, let me start from the beginning. You're going to want to scream as they do in the early hours of the morning. You'll get no sleep and your boobs will feel like they weigh a thousand pounds. But as tired as you are, you'll lull them back to sleep and you'll see what I saw with you...you, their mother, you're the center of the world. You are their safety. The light that they reach for and the warmth that they cry for. You are their hero. Fast forward a few years. Oh, the toddler stage. Don't be afraid to say no, young lady! Teach them manners from an early stage, it'll be easier in the long run! Don't feed them junk...veggies and fruits are vital. Treat them like they are adults, from a young age. Don't talk to them like they're children, that allows them to act out in unbearable ways. Lara did that. We learned by the time you came around. You were so independent! So head-strong. You knew what you wanted, but I managed to instill some manners in you! You worked for it. You earned it, and you are better today because of it. Not to toot my own horn or anything! They will test you, if they're anything like you and your siblings...they will push you to your limits. But they will also lean on you. They will need you and they will look up to you. Teach them to be kind, compassionate and loving. I know that if it's you and Harry...you'll both raise them to be incredible adults. Be prepared to hurt when they hurt, we feel our children's pain, and it will be the worst pain. You'll want to do everything that you can to take it away, to harbor it on your own. You already know that you can't, but that doesn't mean you won't try. As hard as it may be, don't get angry when they're honest with you. Punish them as you will, but be open with them. Be honest with them. Support their decisions, even if they're bad decisions. Walk them through it, show them a different path. Tell them that you love them a hundred times a day...two hundred times a day. Kiss them goodnight, every night. Read to them, laugh with them...cry with them. Like I said, you are their mother. You are the most important thing, even if they don't know it at times. You will always be their protector. Their guardian. Their number one fan. Even when they don't want you to be. Show them that you want what's best for them, it'll be difficult sometimes. They will test you and annoy you. They will push all of your buttons and they will find your weakness, exploiting it. You did it, as did Nick and Lara. The three of you knew me so well, sometimes I felt like you knew me better than I knew myself. But continue to treat them like adults. Give them freedom, not too much, but a little more as they get older. Give them a chance to make mistakes, because they will. You can't stop that from happening, but you can be there for them when they fall. You'll pick them up and put the pieces back together, and they may not be thankful for it then, but in the future, they will be. I have so much more to tell you, but not nearly enough time. I wish I could be there with you. To be your mother as you are their's...but I'm with you. Through it all. Always, Nora. I'm always right beside you. Tell them how much I love them, they need to know that I'll be with them as well. I'm watching over all of you, and give my Harry a hug, will you? Tell him that you love him. Tell him that you appreciate him. Never stop telling him and never stop telling them. I love you, baby.

My tears are silent as they fall down my cheeks, unceasingly. Damn her and her wisdom. "I wish you were here." I find myself quietly saying as I stare up at the ceiling. Peter mumbles something in his sleep and I gaze back down at him. Admiring him. What an unbelievably perfect little human. I tried to imagine a world without him. Dull. Less kind. Less bright...less beautiful. I gently stroked his cheek as I pushed the thought far away from my mind. I'd always be right beside him, and I knew that he'd love me no matter what. That's just who he was. Rosie however, would be very difficult, this much was certain. But I was confident in my love for them. I knew that no matter what, I'd be there for them.

"Mummy?" He rasped, wearily.


"My head, mummy. It hurts my eyes."

"Oh, baby..." I wasn't sure what to do. The thought of Urgent Care crossed my mind, but I wasn't sure if that was too extreme. Instead, I pull my phone out and dial the number for his primary care physician. As soon as I'm directed to his line, I wait for him to pick up.

"This is Dr. Powell."

"Hi Dr. Powell, this is Nora Styles."

"Mrs. Styles, yes. Is everything alright?"

"Well, I'm not sure. My son Peter has been getting headaches lately, and he says that they hurt his eyes. When we spoke to his eye doctor, she said it was probably his eyesight, we think he needs glasses...I guess I just wanted to get your opinion."

"How often do his headaches occur?"

"About two or three times a week."

"Okay, and has he been dizzy or nauseous?"

"I don't think so..."

"And his eyesight, has he mentioned any loss of it?"

"No, he has not."

"Alright. Well, I'm all booked today, but I just had a cancellation for first thing tomorrow morning, eight o'clock. I'd like to get him in here as soon as possible. It may be nothing, but you can never be too sure."

"Okay, great. Yeah, I'd feel so much better if he saw you."

"Of course. Peace of mind is never a bad thing. We'll see you tomorrow morning, Mrs. Styles."

"Thank you so much. See you then." As I hang up the phone, I feel much more at ease, but at the same time, I'm worried that it's not his eyes. What if it was something worse? "We're gonna go see Dr. Powell in the morning okay?" I say to him. He nods and cuddles further against me.

"Will I get a lollipop?" I gently boop his nose.

"Duh! You always get a lollipop when you see him."

"Yeah, cause I'm good."

"You are good. You're the best behaved boy in the world."

"I know." I tickle him softly, not too hard. I don't need him writhing and making the headache worse. As he smiles up at me, I try to, once again, push the thought of anything bad far away from my mind. He's going to be fine, and he's going to look damn cute with glasses.

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