chapter. 6

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I was heading into the school library to print off my english assignment, I looked terrible today; I woke up late and had no time to pick out a cute outfit or style my hair, so it's in a messy pony tail as I wear a random Pink name brand hoodie with a pair of leggings, my face fresh since I wasn't wearing makeup.

"Good morning, Laura!" Mrs.Katherine the librarian smiled, as I walked through the doors.

"Good morning," I smiled back, walking over to the computers, I quickly logged in, trying to get this done before lunch ends.

"Of course I'd find you here," I spun my head  around to face Dylan Montano, probably the third hottest guy in all of Marino High, he's also one of Ross' and Jayce's close friends.

I had Biology with him, but nothing else.

"Hey," I chuckled, "What's that suppose to mean?"

He took the computer beside me, setting his science books down, "Nothing, just a conversation starter."

I laughed and nodded, "Try using something else."

"I'll think about it," He smiled, "You're Teresa Jamison's best friend right?"

I stopped typing to look at him, "Yeah, how come?"

"D-Do you know if she has a date to homecoming?" He asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled but rose an eyebrow, "I don't think so, why?"

"I was just wondering," He chuckled, his cheeks becoming red, "Do you think if I asked she'd go with me, I mean you're going with Jayce right?"

I nodded and smiled, I am going with Jayce. And even though Teresa is really into Jason Briggs, Dylan Montano is a really close second. And I never new he had something for Teresa; but I think it's cute.

"I think she'd more than likely say yes to you, Dylan." I smiled.

"Thanks, Laura!" He smiled, sighing a breath of relief, "I really, really like her."

"That's cute, Dylan. I'm glad you told me, you should definitely ask her soon, it's in a few weeks!" I told him.

He nodded and logged off the computer, gathering his science books and pushing them against his chest, "I'll see you in bio." He said smiling, I nodded and he walked out.

I continued re-reading my assignment before pressing print; but then of course. I saw my blonde headed best friend run in, getting in trouble by Mrs.Katherine for breaking the 'no running in the library' rule.

"Laura!" Ross panted, "I was trying to find you all lunch!"

"Sorry, I was busy in here." I told him, "Why are you panting so much?"

"I was running around trying to find you, I need to study today! My test is tomorrow." He explained.

"Ross," I groaned, "Jayce wanted to take me out tonight to make up for what happened. I'm sorry, but I can't."

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "Laura! You have to! My algebra test is TOMORROW!" He exclaimed.

"Shhh," Mrs.Katherine hissed, rolling her eyes at Ross.

"Ross, I'm sorry. Get Rydel to help you." I frowned.

"You're seriously not going to help me?" He asked, I scrunched my eyebrows at him.

"Ross, I can't today. I'm not the only one who knows algebra, I'm busy today. Someone else can help you." I said, clicking 'print'.

"Laura you don't understand, I need at least a B+ or my mom will kill me." He said, following me as I walked towards the printer.

"I understand that Ross, but I can't just cancel my date with Jayce to help you study." I told him.

"Why're you even with Jayce, I thought we both knew he was cheating." He retorted.

"Ross," I glared at him, "We never discussed that he was cheating, it was an assumption and I choose to believe him. Just because I won't ditch him for you, doesn't mean you need to make him look like the bad guy."

"That's not what I was saying Laura, I'm not asking for you to ditch him. But this is important to me, I'm asking for your help to study, I'm not asking you to lend me a grand." He sighed.

"You're asking for my time, which I can't give you today. I'm sorry, Ross. Find someone else." I frowned, "Good luck on the test."

• • •

Curling my last piece of hair, I smiled at myself. Perfect.

I grabbed my clutch off my bed as Jayce texted me saying he'd be here in five minutes, I opened my bedroom door to go downstairs and saw my mom sitting on the couch, the phone in her hand.

"I thought we discussed you'd be helping Ross with math?" She stated sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "I have helped him, but I can't give away all my time for him, mom. Tonight is my night with Jayce."

"He has his test tomorrow, the least you could have done was help him today, his grades are more important than a date with Jayce, especially when you signed up to help him." My mom glared at me.

"Did Stormie tell you?" I asked, looking at the phone in her hand.

She nodded, "But that doesn't matter, why not help him out Laura. He's your best friend."

I was frustrated now, "Yeah he is! But that doesn't mean we have to be glued hip to hip. I didn't sign up to spend all day, everyday helping him with algebraic questions when I have a life of my own. I'm not the only mathematician he knows, he's being so selfish!" I huffed.

My mom shook her head, "You better pray he gets a sixty five or higher, or Stormie will be very disappointed in you, as will I, Laura."

I groaned and crossed my arms over my chest, "This is so not fair." I mumbled to myself, my mom walked upstairs without saying another word to me, was that some sort of guilt trip because it worked.

Should I go on this date with Jayce or should I go to Ross'?

Too late, Jayce's car lights flashed through my window and I quickly slid on my heels before walking out.

Approaching his car, I got in and was a greeted by a hug and kiss, making all my stress relieve, but I guess not in my face.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" Jayce asked me, reversing out of my driveway, "You look frustrated."

I slumped back in the passengers seat and frowned, "My mom and Ross' mom are pissed at me for not going to Ross' tonight to help him study for his algebra test tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, he was ranting to the team about it after school, but he said he found some chick to help him." He told me, "So don't worry about it."

Oh yay, another fuck buddy for Ross to be occupied with tonight, like hell Ross is going to study, let alone get a sixty five or higher.

"Do you know who she is?" I asked.

Jayce chuckled, "I think her name was Bella, Bella Hudson."

I nodded and tried shaking off the thought of disappointment Stormie, my mom and Ross must have for me right now; but for some reason. That's all that was on my mind.

And it wasn't leaving.

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