chapter. 49

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"I think he's cheating on me." Stacy mumbled as I was grabbing my purse from out of my locker.

"W-What?" I asked, completely stopping everything I was doing. "Calum?"

She nodded, "He's constantly texting this Carrie girl."

I frowned, "Hey, maybe she's just a friend."

"Friends who flirt? I saw their messages and they speak to each other in a very friendly way." She said sadly, "But he keeps denying it."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Calum loves you, I don't think he's cheating on you. Maybe sit him down and have a serious conversation about it."

"I've tried," She sighed, "He doesn't listen."

"Do you know who this Carrie girl is?" I asked, shrugging.

"I've seen her around school a few times, she's really tall and slim, she looks kind of stupid." Stacy said rolling her eyes.

I glared at her, "No need to be rude, maybe one day you should go up and talk to her, ask her about it."

"Could you come with me? I mean- I work at meat ballers restaurant, and she always comes by with this girl, maybe we could 'run' into her and we could sit with them and ask her questions about it." She grinned.

"Stacy, I don't know- I don't want to be too nosey." I said cautiously.

"Please, Laura! You're my only hope and my best friend. I need your help, I'd help you with this." She frowned.

I groaned, "Fine, when?"

"Friday night?" She asked, smirking.

"I-I," I stuttered, I can't. I have a date with Ross.

"I'm sorry, Stacy. I can't." I mumbled.

"Fine!" She frowned, "I'll ask someone else."

• • •

"Where were you? I didn't see you at all during lunch and I thought we were going to tell everyone we were dating."  I asked Ross, walking into Life Skills class.

"Football practice, I would've told you sooner but I didn't have time." He said bluntly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "And the attitude?"

He rolled his eyes, "Don't want to talk about it."

I grabbed his arm, "Did something happen at practice?"

He looked down at my hand that gripped his arm, "Let go of me, Laur"

"Ross Lynch and Laura Marano, please take a seat. Separate of each other." Mr.Burkson glared at us.

Ross yanked his arm away and angrily went to the back of the lecture room, taking a seat in a random spot. What the hell is wrong with him?

All during that period Ross never talked to me once, he either had his head down looking at his phone or he was copying down the note from the board. I texted him multiple times.

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