chapter. 10

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How do you guys like the new cover?💞 Okay, this may be random but it's also a helpful idea since these characters are who I imagine, so here are the characters in the book, that I hope you imagine when reading.

Ross Lynch as Ross Lynch
Laura Marano as Laura Marano
Jayce Kinnings as Jacob Whitesides
Andrew Gorin as Andrew Gorin
Bella Hudson as Courtney Eaton
Devon Martin as Jordan Fisher
Teresa Jamison as Sofia Carson
Bryan Handler as Garrett Clayton
Eric Thompson as Cameron Jebo
Heather Parkins as Maia Mitchell
Rydel Lynch as Rydel Lynch
Riker Lynch as Riker Lynch
Rocky Lynch as Rocky Lynch
Ryland Lynch as Ryland Lynch
Ellington Ratliff as Ellington Ratliff
Stormie Lynch as Stormie Lynch
Mark Lynch as Mark Lynch
Vanessa Marano as Vanessa Marano
Ellen Marano as Ellen Marano
Damiano Marano as Damiano Marano

Now enjoy the story !
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I burst through my front door, wanting to do nothing else but drown myself in tears- my parents were sleeping so I tried to be as quiet as I could but my heavy breathing was too much.

I turned on the lights to the kitchen and took a cup from the cupboard and poured some water in it, hoping I would stop crying.

Then I heard foot steps and I froze, my dad.

"Are you just getting home?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

I nodded and turned away from him, not wanting any conversation. I took a few sips of the water and he frowned.

"I may be a drunk but I'm not stupid." He said softly, "Why are you crying?"

I shrugged, "I'm not."

I know he was sober right now, but that wasn't the point. I just didn't want to talk to anyone, I wanted to talk to Ross but he was too busy.

"Laura, come on." He sighed, "Maybe I can help."

"No!" I said, feeling more tears pour out of my eyes down my cheeks, "You can help by quitting drinking. I don't want to talk to you! If you can't even help yourself what makes you think you can help me." I put my cup in the sink and shut the fridge door,

"I'm trying," He said lowly.

"Try harder." I said bitterly, walking past him to go upstairs.

When I got to my room, I noticed the photo of Ross and I that was in a white picture frame, that picture is from when our families; both mine Ross' decided to go camping together at the end of our sophomore year, Stormie took this picture of us and told us we really did look like 'best friends'.  And ever since then, Ross' family and mine, always go camping together in the summer.

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