Chapter. 66

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• a suspenseful short chapter to keep you on the edge of your seat •

"Sit down you whore!" my eyes were burning from all the tears, Ross was unconscious and Bella was by his side. My arms were tied around a chair and Andrew stood above me.

"So you and this blondie are the ones who took my phone?" my stomach turns when I see Calum walking in from a distance.

"Calum, you're involved with these people?" I gasp.

"Shut up Laura!" Calum shouts, "I've had enough of you! Always at school, making fun of me and assuming I'm cheating on Stacy."

"Well I assumed wrong didn't I?" I retort. "Instead, you're involved with a rapist and manipulative bitch."

"Fuck you!" Bella growls, "You were jealous of me from the start."

"Shut up! All of you!" Andrew hisses, "It's play time now."

"Play time?" I choke.


play time? what do you guys think Andrew is going to do?

also, comment any good raura stories that  have a good consistency of getting updates or is already completed. I need some new material to read!!!

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