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I like Ross,

I really, really like Ross.


I smiled to myself while getting ready that morning for school, I've never loved a Monday morning more than this one, feeling confident as I stayed up until three in the morning last night, contemplating with myself if what my mom said was true; I guess I did like Ross and I have for a while.

It was a weird feeling, I mean- having feelings for your best friend? Especially me, Laura Marano liking Ross Lynch, it sounds weird and feels a lot weirder, but I like it.

Vanessa was leaving tomorrow evening so was she was still here for another day and a half. Quickly curling my last strand of hair- I turned off my curler, grabbed my bag and immediately ran down the stairs, grabbing an apple off the counter.

My parents were at work and Vanessa was asleep in her old bedroom so I had to quietly leave the house, and get into my car.

Starting the ignition and plugging in my aux cord, I skimmed through my music and decided to play purple rain by prince, mine and Ross' favourite song.

I want to tell him how I feel, I want to tell him the kiss meant something to me and I can't pretend like it never happened, I want to tell him I like him.

I'm just scared he may not feel the same way back...

Pulling up into the parking lot of the school, I parked in my usual spot, taking one last glance of myself in the sun visor mirror.

I walked in, feeling confident as I know knew my feelings towards Ross. Casually walking towards my locker, I spotted Stacy and Calum standing right in front of it.

"Hey guys," I smiled, approaching the bickering couple.

"Hey, Laura." Stacy said in relief, "Can you just give us a minute, we're arguing." She said, turning away from me.

"Y-You're kind of in front of my locker-" I chuckled, hearing their argument continue.

"What smells so bad?" Calum asked, inhaling from his nose as he sniffed around, "Oh, it's you." He glared at Stacy.

She gave him a smirk, "I will smack those freckles right off your face."

He gasped and slapped both hands onto his cheeks, only for my stomach to start fluttering when I saw Ross walking towards us.

"Hey guys," He smiled, patting Calum's shoulder as they did some handshake and said 'what up?!'

"You guys are friends?" I asked, raising an eyebrow since Ross use to think Calum was so weird.

Ross nodded, "Yeah, we're actually into a lot of the same stuff, turns out he also likes the movie Swamp Brides, too."

"I hate that movie," I groaned, putting in my locker combination.

"How did you not like Swamp Brides, it was a wedding, girls love weddings!" Ross asked, a grin on his lips.

"The swamp guy ate the bridesmaids." I said uncomfortably, giving him the reason as to why I didn't like the movie, receiving a nod of agreement from Stacy standing next to me.

"They ran out of the appetizers!" Ross chuckled, still confused as to why I didn't enjoy that movie back when we watched it in ninth grade.

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