chapter. 26

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"I literally ate burritos and tacos the whole time." Stacy laughed over the phone, "It was a terrible outcome when I had to use the washroom."

I laughed at her stories from Mexico that she was currently telling me about, "Sounds like you had an interesting five weeks!"

"It was nice to see my family from back home, but I'm glad I'm finally back in California. I was starting to get sick of my Grandpa Pedro's lectures on life and all that dumb stuff."

"Aweh," I chuckled, "Well I'm glad you're back too."

"Thanks Laura!" She said; I could sense her smile through the other line, "Well, Calum is coming over to hangout with me and he'll be here any minute so I'll text you later or something."

"Alright," I chuckled, "Have fun, bye." And I hung up the phone, landing face down on my pillow, still thinking about earlier today in Life Skills class when I saw Ross texting Bella and the fact that he lied to me about it.

Yes, it's still bothering me okay?

He's been texting me non-stop as well, asking me what's wrong and if I'm okay; asking me where I am and that he's getting worried.

And I haven't answered any; I'm upset with him.

Turning my back to face the door as I stared out my window, watching the sun slowly set in California at nine at night.

I shut my eyes; just to relax them and think, think about everything in my life basically, before a soft knock appeared on my door.

"Mom, I'm tired I really don't want to talk right no-" But the door opened and I groaned.

"Mom, please- I'll talk to you later but I'm tired and don't feel like talking so can you please go?" I begged, not budging to turn around and face her.

"Why haven't you answered my texts, you know I get worried when you do that." I immediately jumped at his voice, Ross.

I turned around quickly, seeing his tall figure stand above my bed as he raised an eyebrow at me, "Well?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Why are you here? Did my mom let you in?"

"I'm here because I told you; when you don't answer me I get scared. And yeah, she did." He said softly, sitting on the edge of my bed, "What's wrong with you?"

I shifted into a sitting position, curling my knees up to my chest as my back and head leaned against my headboard, "Nothing."

"Stop lying, I didn't drive all the way here to get that as an answer." He said sternly. "Now spill."

"Are you seriously telling me to stop lying?" I asked, feeling frustrated. "How about you? Texting your 'mom' today in Life Skills."

"What're you talking about?" He asked obliviously.

"Get out, Ross. Please just go. I don't feel like talking to you about this when you're just going to sit there acting dumbfounded when you know exactly what I'm talking about, please just show yourself the way out." I said exhaling deeply.

"Laura, I honestly don't know what you're talking about. If you tell me what I did wrong I'm willing to work it out." He said softly, a hand ruffling through his blonde hair.

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