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‼️important authors note at the end‼️

"Well last night was pointless, we never even found out if Calum was cheating on me." Stacy grumbled, collapsing onto my bed. It was Saturday

"I know, Stacy. I'm sorry. But hey, maybe that's a sign that Calum isn't cheating on you." I smiled, giving her some positive vibes.

"No, what Carrie was saying made me even more curious. And she has a boyfriend that seems to have the same, exact personality as Calum." Stacy explained to me while popping a purple grape into her mouth.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead with the palm of my hand, "We'll think of something else. Don't worry."

"Thanks Laura, for all your help last night. Both you and Ross, it means a lot that you took time doing that for me." Stacy smiled softly, a shy look on her face.

"Hey, anything for a best friend." I giggled, reaching for my phone which had one message from Ross. I rolled my eyes.

"What was that eye roll for?" Stacy asked sternly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Nothing, just the wrong number called me." I lied, setting my phone back down onto my bed beside her.

"Are you lying?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, "No."

"You're lying." She stated, and before I could say anything else, she grabbed my phone, turning it on so that she could see that the only notification was Ross' message.

Stacy gasped and shot me a withered look, "What's going on between you two? You were kind of giving him the cold shoulder last night when he tried kissing you goodnight."

"I don't know," I frowned, admitting what's bothering me. "I just, heard him and Piper talking the whole night about making plans to go surfing and all this stuff and Ross seemed to be really interested, like really interested and I got really upset, and he didn't even notice or care. He just kept talking to Piper."

"Are you jealous?" Stacy asked with half smirk, staring at my face.

"N-No," I stuttered, "Well maybe, I don't know. Doesn't matter, I was upset and he couldn't tell. Or he just didn't care because he was too busy making plans with Piper."

"Would you let him go hang out with Piper?" Stacy asked with curiosity in her voice, "Just the two of them, alone, in the water, surfing, laughing, talking." She said each word, slowly as she came closer to my face.

"Stop!" I exclaimed, "Why're you saying that?"

"Because think about it, I wouldn't let Calum do that. There's no way if Calum started talking to this random girl the way Ross did, and I overheard them making plans, I would actually let him go through with them. Especially a stranger, if he's had a female friend for years and other people will be there, I completely get it. But just Piper? I feel like she's up to no good and Ross is being oblivious." Stacy explained to me, which made me wonder and worry like crazy.

"S-So you're saying I shouldn't let him go?" I asked biting my lip nervously, wondering how Ross will take that news.

"I mean, if you want to risk your relationship. Let him go, but the right thing to do would be to tell him how you feel and just simply not let him, you are his girlfriend now, Laura. You're not just best friends." She told me strictly, "There are limits you can reach that you couldn't have before. And this is definitely one of them."

"I understand where you're coming from, and as much as I don't want him to go. Shouldn't I be able to trust him? Because that's what he's definitely going to tell me if I tell him I don't want him going." I told her, getting up from my bed as I started to stress out.

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