chapter. 31

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‼️‼️ Grab a box of tissues if you're emotional and sensitive like me   ‼️‼️

• Don't hate me! •

My palms were sweating uncontrollably as his eyes were locked in mine, and it brought me back to worst night of my life.

"Why don't I go get Ross and let you two catch up," Bella smirked, swiftly walking around to leave me and this monster face to face.

"You look quite, intriguing tonight. You never dressed up for me this way." He grinned, his finger tips gazing my bare shoulder.

I flinched and stepped back, "What're you doing here? This is a high school party. I thought you were at Yale."

"I got invited, baby doll." He smirked, "Why? Aren't you excited to see me?"

"I'll be more excited when you rot in hell." I mumbled, staring into his brown evil eyes.

"There's my Laura," He grinned, "Still holding grudges."

I gritted my teeth together as the back of my neck began to sweat, "You promised I'd never see you again."

He chuckled, his red solo cup half way empty, "People break promises all the time, dammit Laura are you that naïve?"

"Who invited you?" I asked bitterly.

"Bella," He smiled, "She told me I had a job."

"A job?" I asked, "What do you mean?"

"Come on, Laura- let's chat upstairs." He smiled, holding out his hands in hopes I'd take

"So what? You can rape me again?" I asked, feeling every bone in my body go weak as his facial expression dropped to anger.

"Say that louder and it might just happen." He said huskily, his eyes burning into me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, now leave me alone." I said warily.

"Why? You gonna go find lover boy? Fucking Lynch?" He laughed, "That's the whole reason why I'm here, doll. Bella wants him, he's not yours."

"Ross and I are just friends." I said shakily, "I don't care if Bella wants him, she can have him."

"Well sadly; it's not that easy. Which makes me have to go through with my job." He grinned, "Now come on Laura, don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

I wanted to scream, I wanted to yell, I wanted to cry, I wanted to fucking run, but all of a sudden, he whipped out a bottle and sprayed it in my face; making me immediately just fall to the ground; I blacked out.

• • •

I woke up coughing, a disgusting dry taste left in my mouth as I felt tape covering my mouth; I was now lying on a bed. I didn't know where I was but I was still at the party, feeling extremely terrified,

where's Ross?

But there came Andrew, walking in with only a pair of jeans on. "Finally," He mumbled, stretching out his arms. "You were out for like fifteen minutes."

I couldn't scream because it came out muffled and my hands were tightly tied to the edges of the bed, and so were my ankles in a thick rope.

"Don't bother screaming," He chuckled, undoing his belt as he made eye contact with me, "Trust me, nobody's going to hear you."

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