Chapter 3: Closer

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Chapter 3: Closer

***Ethan's POV***

The talk, the hugged, and the advices happened in one day. I never felt more closer to her since last night. I've been smiling at the ceiling for the past ten minutes. I couldn't sleep. Flashbacks have come acrossed my mind again. But this time it's a good flashbacks. But mostly it's the time when she hugged me. Getting good mixed feeling makes me wonder how have I come this far. I can't get her out of my head. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Staring at the ceiling it's not making it any better. I decided to call Antonio for help.

"Please pick up..........pick up; pick up." I tell myself.

"Hello, Ethan why are calling at this time of day? you know it's 2:00am in the morning."

"I can't sleep."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Take a guess."

"Oh..... Right it's Katy isn't it?" He laughs at me.

"Yeah, obviously."

"Tell me what happened."

"Before her concert I kind of gave her some deep advices and after that she sang in front of me and......."

"And..... What?"

"She hugged me."

"W---- wait what did she do?"

"She hugged me."

"That's great, why can't you sleep then?"

"I can't stop thinking about it."

"Dude just close your eyes and tomorrow I'll stop by your house."

"I'm not at my house right now."

"Then where are you?"

"The Hampton hotel."

"Alright, what's your room number?"


"Got it, listen dude I really need to get some sleep; I'll just talk to you later okay."


Then he hanged up. I can't even close my eyes without thinking about it. I decided to take a short walk outside to get myself some air. I took my jacket with me along with my shoes. I head downstairs where only some few people are by the counter. I just kept on walking outside; walking in circle around the block. It feels nice being outside at this time of day. No cars, and not much people. I feel the breeze hit my face with its cold wind howling. As I walk myself around the block it got me to thinking that what if I never got the job from this tour.

Then, I'll probably be at home admiring her even more. But it didn't happen that way. It happened the way they are supposed to be. After a few more walks around the block; I decided to stop. I feel a little bit tired and maybe I can finally sleep. It takes a couple of minutes till I finally made it, at my room.

I undressed myself and I went back to bed. Leaning my back against the soft and fluffy bed puts me in a well rested mode. Finally my eyes shuts off as I stare at the wall. The next thing I know I've woken up from my long sleep with an aching back and arms. I looked at the clock and it's 11:45. Oh crap! I'm late. I rushed myself at the bathroom to do the same routine I do every morning. Finally I got dressed and ready to go.

Running my way through the hall, had a couple of bumps along the way. As I ran downstairs; fast, the next thing I know I had a hard bump with someone who's no other than; Katy! What is she doing here?

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