Chapter 64- Katy Vs. Lillian

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Chapter 64- Katy Vs. Lillian

***Ethan's POV***

On the way home to the picnic, the smirk is still written all over my face. I glance at Katy who happens to be giving me a worry look. I pinched her cheek, and said something.
"You're so adorable when you worry about me."
She shook her head, and said, "I can't believe you did that. You're insane."
"You bet I am." I chuckled.
As we got there, we can see that it's already been done, and prepared. All we have to do is show up and eat along with them.
We got there, and got our food and sat with Hazel right across the food benches.
***Katy's POV***
"So, who cooked the food?" Lillian asked, as she took a bite from her burger.
"Grandma." Ethan said, as he also took a bite from his burger.
"Still a great cook. Do you remember that time when she cooked the lobster for my 20th birthday?" She asked, with such enthusiasm.
"Oh yeah! How could I forget." He chuckled, "You ate all of it, and left nothing for me."
She laughed, "Ohhhh good times."
"Honey, want some of this?" I asked, as I trail the spoonful of spinach to his mouth.
"Oh, Ethan doesn't eat spinach, he's badly allergic ever since 3 years old." Lillian blurted. How come I don't know about his secret illness. I feel left out.
"Oh." Is all I could say. I settled down the spoonful of spinach down my plate, as I eat my burger.
"So, Ethan how's Callie?" Lillian asked, as she gulp down her Mountain Dew.
"Great, actually she's been doing a lot of studies."
"Architecture right?" I asked.
"Nurse, Katy." She told me condescendingly. Okay, I really don't like where this is going.
Ethan glance at me, then back to Lillian. What was that?
"Anyways, How's your arm?"
Arm? What has happened? And how come I don't know about it.
"Fine, actually. It's gonna heal in about a week or two." Ethan said, as he glance at his arm.
"What happened?" I asked, looking at both of them. I'm way too lost.
"Ethan fell on his motorcycle last 2 weeks ago."
I turned to Ethan, "How come you didn't tell me about this?"
"Because, I don't want you to worry too much now that you been doing your tours lately. I don't want to be a burden." He said, as he held my hand for a quick second.
I kept myself quiet. For some reason I feel like doing it. This rest of the picnic has been about Ethan and Lillian talk about something I don't know about. Whenever I try feeding Ethan something she either say; 'he's allergic, or he doesn't eat that cause he doesn't like it'
It frustrates me how she knows so much about Ethan, and I know absolutely nothing. I've been going out with him for about a year and a half, and I still don't know a lot about things he likes, and things he doesn't like.
"Okay, listen up you guys." A woman yelled, as she steps up the table. "It's time for comp. Now, who wants to start archery first?"
I looked around, and as fas as what I'm seeing, no one seems to try it out. Until seconds later, Lillian came raising her hand.
"I will!" She yelled loudly, with enthusiasm.
"Great, the birthday girl, now we need one more player to comp with her." She yelled, "Anyone?"
Again, I looked around, and saw no one volunteering. So, I did.
"I'll do it." I said loudly, and eagerly.
"Katy?" Ethan asked, as he pulls my hand gently. "You know Lillian is like really good at archery, are you sure you want to do it?"
I nodded, "Yes, more than anything." I stepped right up next to her, and got our bows and arrows.
"Now, ladies, you have 3 arrows, whoever hits the closest to the bullseye you win. Or, if you hit the bullseye then you absolutely win. If there's a tie; blindfold will come. Got it?" She ended her long instruction.
"Yes m'am." I answered. And so does Lillian.
I stepped on my side, and picked up my bow, and slip the arrow right besides the string. It stretches, until it finally reached the tip point. I angled down where the target is, and take my first shot. Hit the tree, well that was embarrassing. As for Lillian, she didn't hit any surroundings of the target, but she spotted the board.
Okay, I breathed in and out, until I finally picked up another bow. Better not mess this up again. I let it slip, and it hit the freaking tree again. Are you serious?!!! UGH!
I picked up another arrow aggressively, as I let it slip by the string. I inhale and exhaled slowly, with full focus, until I heard Ethan's voice.
"Come on babe, you can do this. I believe in you." He cheered with so much enthusiasm. Now, I'm on beast mode.
I let it slip, and it hit the bullseye.
I grunted yes, and ran up to Ethan. I hugged him so tight that he might be suffocating. I looked over at Lillian, who happens to be clapping, and smiling at the same time. It seems fake, but whatever floats her boats.
"The winner is; Katy everyone." The woman yelled, as everyone clapped and cheered.
I pecked Ethan's lips for a quick second, then face back to the crowd.
"Now, the next event; Joust. Who's up?"
"Me!" I eagerly said, as I step right up next to the lady in red.
"Another opponent, anyone?" She asked once more to the crowd.
"I'll do it." Lillian said, as she raised her left eye brow, and gave me you're-going-down look.
Oh, it's on.
"Step right up ladies." The woman said, as she assisted the both of us.
As we got in our spot, the lady handed us our hard foam that we will be hitting with each other with.
"Hit as hard as you can. Whoever falls loses, okay?"
We both nodded. Helmet secure; okay, it's on.
First hit to the side, second hit to the other side; but she still won't fall. But, as I hit; she also hit. Hard actually. I have to step up my game.
I inhale and exhaled slowly, and take the first hit hard, and the second one harder. It didn't make her fall, but it did manipulate her balance. Now, I know the technique.
I let her hit me twice, until I take another shot. As I hit my second shot; she fell. I threw my stick to the side, and jumped my way through Ethan. He spun me around; proudly.
"Nice shot babe." He said, as he pecked his lips on to my forehead.
"Thank you." I giggled.
"Nice going Ms. Popular." Lillian said, as she chuckled, and gave me a punch on the shoulder.
I nodded, and shot her a smile, "Thanks, you too."
"Now, main event." The lady yelled once again, "Swimming. Anyone other than Lillian and Katy."
No one seems to do it. I'll do it if I can, but since I've played too much game, they won't allow me.
"I'll do it." Ethan said, as he takes off his shirt, and put it aside the table.
"Another comp, anyone?"
"Over here." A guy in blue said, as he also takes off his shirt.
"Oh, man; him." He said to himself, as he sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked, "Who is he?"
"That's Shane Oman, the best swimmer here in this area. I've tried beating him for the past 5 years, and I keep losing."
"Don't worry, you'll win. Here's your luck." I pecked his lips, which made him blush a little.
"One more, for super good luck." He said, as he gestured right to his cheek.
I smiled, and pecked his lips. "GoodLuck, babe."
He stepped onto this black squared metal, and positioned himself to get ready. I examine the other guy, I have to say, he looks awfully strong. Hopefully Ethan wins.
"Okay, in the count of 3; 3,2,1." The lady yelled go, and they both landed good. Their arms swung at the same time, and very fast.
They look awfully close. The guy is just a centimeter away from Ethan.
"Come on Ethan, you can do this." I whispered to myself, as I bit the nail of my thumb.
He twisted, and so does Ethan. Man, this is so close. This is by far the most intense thing that I've watched live. Just as they were both heading the finish line, Ethan suddenly increased, and finally had a lead. I can see him pushing himself harder and harder.
Come on Ethan you can do this. I kept whispering myself that over and over. I clenched my jaw, bite my nail as they both get closer to the finish line. I squinted my eyes seeing who's in the lead, and they're exactly even. No ones ahead, they're both even.
They were getting really close. Only a few feet away from the finish line, until something made a turn. Out of the blues, Ethan suddenly had a big huge increase. He was really going for it. He was fighting for it. He was no longer losing, and was actually winning.
Seconds later, when he reached, the finished line. I was filled with joy, and all I wanted to do is to congratulate him, hug him, and give him kisses. He took a step, and ran towards me.
"You did it babe." I said; with pure happiness, "I'm so proud of you."
"I did it because of you." Ethan whispered in my hear, "I kept thinking about you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done it. Thank you babe."
I didn't mind that he's soaking wet. I still hugged him proud and joy. And having to think what he said, makes me even more happy.
"I can't believe you beat me." Shane said, panting, "But, I have to admit that was a good game. Nice job bro." He went up for a congratulation shake, and took off.
I smiled, "I'm still so proud." I pecked his lips, "and you were by the way look hot."
He chuckled, and pulled me in closer, "what should be my prize then?"
With his look, I know what he wants. He was looking at me from head to toe.
I blushed, and I had no words. I was frozen in exact word.
He laughed once more, "Don't tell me you're thinking about what exactly I'm thinking right now."
"Wait what?" I asked confused, "wait so that means you don't want to you know--." I gestured with negative expressions.
He shot me laugh. And pulled me in closer.
"Babe." He said, smiling, "of course I want to, but not as a prize like this. I respect you, and I don't want using you for any competition." He pecked his lips on to my forehead.
I responded with a smile.
"Now, let's go inside. It's getting colder." Ethan said, as he shivered.

As soon the skies filled with darkness, we were in our own room, getting ready for bed.

"Look, I don't know what's going on over there, but you better get into the bottom of it." Ethan said furiously. He seems to be talking to someone on the phone, and it doesn't sound good.
He glance at me for a quick second, and shot me a smile. He then took off outside the balcony. I couldn't help but to stare at him, and wondering what's happening. I haven't seen him this serious before.

He seem really angry. He paced back and forth, and I can hear his voice deepens.

"You know what, alright that's it. I'll handle it myself." He said once more, and came back in. He threw his phone into the side couch, and went beside me.
He sighed, and looked up the ceiling.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked, as I rubbed his hair. He glance at me; pouting.

"It's the company." Ethan started; sighing.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I've got a call from the board saying that a company targeted our marketing business, and that if this whole problem doesn't get fix sooner, the company would have to shut down." Ethan said, frowning, "when is shuts down, just imagine the worst. Beach house will be taken away, and so is our medical branches, and all those other things. I'm telling you it's a big lost, if this doesn't get fix sooner or later."

As a comfort, I just pulled him in for a hug. I can't say that I understand , cause that'll be lying, and I don't like lying to him.

He leaned his head on to my chest, as he intertwined his fingers into mine.

"I'm sorry I bothered you with my problems." He said, as he looked up to me.

"No-no, you didn't bother anything." I smiled, and went in for a kiss. It was warm. His lips touching mine was like the best feeling in the world. He's the best thing in the world.

"Can I tell you something?" Ethan said, as went up at the edge of the bed. He was now leaning on to something.
"Yeah, what is it?"
It looks serious, and I suddenly felt frightened. Hopefully, it won't be.

"Would you be mad if I tell you I got someone pregnant?" He asked; seriously.

I was in deep shock. I just stared at him like he was somewhat dead.

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